The Pass Orb Collectors, Encouraging users to click back |
Feb 18 2012, 02:11 AM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
The Pass Orb Collectors >>>Encouraging users to click back<<< Information: “This group was created to encourage users to click back those who have interacted with them. Thus we will always lead by example and continue to earn pass orbs every day by interacting with the wider community.” Initially, as you have now become aware of, this group will focus their attention on the clicking side of GPXPlus by interacting with users who have clicked our Pokemon/Eggs. Therefor, It is expected that each member of the group earn a minimum of ten pass orbs every day. Through click backs with those who have interacted with us we will hopefully encourage others to do the same. Ultimately creating a more interactive site with beneficial outcomes. Over time, through our continued dedication to earn pass orbs, will we see a distinct difference in the GPXPlus community. Not only will this reflect upon hatching our eggs/leveling our Pokemon faster; but also helping out those who find it hard to do the same. Thus, in this group you are encouraged to share ideas on how we could get users to click back more often as well as posting the amount of pass orbs you collect daily, total interactions, etc. If you have any ideas on new Pass Powers feel free to share your ideas. (Who knows maybe we could implement new pass powers into the shop). Also feel free to post other stuff relating to GPXPlus i.e. shinies, explorations, scavenger hunts etc. But remember our primary goal relates to collecting pass orbs through interacting with users. Core Activity: Members must always click the Users who have interacted with me today and Who I have not yet interacted with to encourage click backs as well as earning pass orbs. Posting Stats and Collecting Statistical Data: As our main goal in this group is to collect pass orbs and to encourage click backs, I thought it would be necessary to examine the current click back rate through collecting statistical data from the members. This will serve as a basis of what to expect when interacting with users. I should point out though, that members should only post data if they only interact with the online list as this would provide a better indication of the true click back rate. I have provided an example below which provides the outline of what to post. Users who have clicked me back: Users I've interacted with: Total pass orbs: How to earn Pass Orbs: To earn pass orbs, check this page as it has the necessary information for users who are not quite sure on how to earn Pass Orbs. Requirements: - Mass Click: You must make 1500+ interactions a day. - Daily Pass Orbs: You must earn 10+ Pass Orbs every day. - Total Pass Orbs: You must have earned 200+ Pass Orbs in total. - Interactions: You must have over 150,000 interactions. - Eggs Hatched: You must have hatched 2000+ eggs. Rules: - To avoid clutter, only members may post. - Be respectful of members, and answer any queries they may have. - Please, no complaining, this means click begging too. - Make sure you actively engage in conversations posted. - Stay on topic. (But you can post stuff relating to GPXPlus) - Notify me by PM if you decide to change your name. - Rules will be added if any are necessary. To Apply: Please read the requirements first, if you meet each one of these expectations fill out the application form and PM me, Velocity. To make sure you have read everything you must have the word apple somewhere in the Message Title. I will not accept you otherwise. Also please do not apply if you do not meet each requirement as I will be checking. Application Form (click to show )
This post has been edited by Velocity: May 20 2012, 04:34 PM -------------------- |
Feb 19 2012, 03:38 PM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
Members List
Owner: Velocity Honorable Members: ThunderMoss - Giraffe A Laugh (For Those who show outstanding leadership in achieving the groups goals) Members: Apple Bloom - Freeze Shock - Sweeter - Jen - Esc - Verivalan - Barney Stinson - SilverLugia456 - The Yatagarasu - Tyranisaur - Moonlit - John Drago - ProfessorLayton - knowledge - Chwanito - Razorflame - Mink - Thunder Smash - Kaitou Kid This post has been edited by Velocity: Oct 28 2013, 11:28 PM -------------------- |
Feb 19 2012, 03:38 PM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
Official Pass Orb Rankings
(Total Pass Orbs earned in one day) Pass Orb Master 300+: Tyranisaur - Barney Stinson - Sweeter - ThunderMoss - Chwanito - Velocity - SilverLugia456 Pass Orb Inferno 200 - 299: Giraffe A Laugh - The Yatagarasu - Esc - Jen - Mink Pass Orb Collector 100 - 199: Starships - Verivalan - Moonlit - John Drago - Razorflame Pass Orb Beginner 50 - 99: Apple Bloom Pass Orb Rookie 10 - 49: ProfessorLayton - knowledge (Must have earned over 10 to join) This post has been edited by Velocity: Oct 14 2012, 07:11 PM -------------------- |
Feb 19 2012, 03:48 PM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
Official Competition
With the announcement of the site-wide shiny hunt commencing today (Saturday, May 12th) at reset (11:55 PM server time), I thought it would be a great time to officially run the second Pass Orb Collectors Competition. The competition itself will last for two weeks, starting at reset and ending (Saturday, May 26th) at reset (11:55 PM server time). The competition will test members based on the total amount of pass orbs they can earn in one day. (You have fourteen attempts) Also remember to Post the amount of pass orbs you earn for each specific day, as I will most likely be checking just to make sure. There will also be prizes for those who enter the competition ~ ranging from rank 1 to rank 3. Therefor, each rank is affiliated with how many pass orbs you can earn in one day. Below in the spoiler, explains how many pass orbs you need to obtain to rank and ultimately earn a prize . 1st Official Competition Rankings (click to show ) 2nd Official Competition Rankings (click to show ) There are two specific types of prizes you can earn from participating in this competition. The first being trinkets and the second being vdex prizes. Those who partake in this competition can choose between which prize they would like to be given. Below in the spoiler shows what ranking you need to achieve to earn what rarity trinket/vdex prize. 1st Competition Prizes (click to show ) 2nd Competition Prizes (click to show ) If you are already a member of the Pass Orb Collectors, then you do not need to register for the competition. However if you would like to enter, then please read and fill out the application (if you meet the requirements) to become a member. Also a special thanks goes to Giraffe a Laugh for providing the vdex prizes and helping out in general. This post has been edited by Velocity: May 14 2012, 12:26 AM -------------------- |
Feb 19 2012, 07:52 PM
Pokémon Trainer Group: +Donors Posts: 129 Joined: 17-July 09 Member No.: 47 440 Active Squad |
It is nice to see another new group which is dedicated towards giving (or giving back) to the other players in the community.
Now to do some extra click-backs. -TM -------------------- * * * |
Feb 19 2012, 09:12 PM
Account Upgraded | Title Enabled Group: +Donors Posts: 561 Joined: 19-September 10 Member No.: 114 649 Active Squad |
Awesome to be part of this group. Had a question, but I already took it up with Velocity.
Always great to be near TM, you're a legend -------------------- |
Feb 20 2012, 06:04 PM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
It's good to see so many of you have joined in just a short time. I liked to officially welcome you all to the group and talk about a few things I have in mind.
Firstly, I'll just start off by saying what I've done toady which includes a fair bit of clicking (18.5k interactions) and a total of 61 pass orbs earned so far. That includes 2,731 users who I have interacted with today and 593 users who have interacted with me. With a click back rate of around 1/5. I do understand that not everybody can click everyday or even regularly and this group isn't about complaining as to why there's such a huge difference in click backs. But I do think that the click back rate should be a little higher than that. Feel free to post your stats too. So back on topic, my first goal I have for this group obviously revolves around the core activity which encourages click backs and earning 10 pass orbs a day. Again I know that there will be times you can't click so don't worry Just try and achieve this when you have the time. Hopefully through our actions others will take it upon themselves to do the same. Once again this might not work, but the more users who continue to click back others and do it regularly the faster we can hatch our eggs etc. But it good to see those who have already joined the cause. Secondly, a suggestion I have is for the notification bar. It would allow users the choice to display how many users have interacted with them today. This little visual might just help people remember or even make them incline to click back those who have interacted with them. Once again feel free to add on to this or list your own suggestions. Thirdly, once this group gets up and running a bit more. I was thinking about having a fortnightly competition which lasts a week to see how many pass orbs the members of the group can get. There will be three rankings and the winners will receive trinkets. So far I haven't really come up with any numbers as to how much pass orbs you have to earn. But the prizes for rank one will be either rarity 10,9,8, rank two 7,6,5 rank three 5,4,3,2,1. I don't really have too much interest with trinkets so I think this might be a good idea giving them out. Though I do have a problem as I only have around 150/800 or so. Then again I do have 100 pokechests so that will help. Again feel free to elaborate on this. So let me know what you guys and girls think. I look forward to the discussion This post has been edited by Velocity: Feb 20 2012, 06:05 PM -------------------- |
Feb 20 2012, 06:36 PM
That one laughing Giraffe Group: +Donors Posts: 556 Joined: 4-October 09 From: London, ON Member No.: 66 646 Active Squad |
Thanks again for accepting me into the group! I really look forward to helping out
Since you said we can post our stats, today I've gone ahead and clicked 14,976 users, out of all of those, 864 have clicked me back, and I've so far earned a total of 152 pass orbs I'm definitively going to continue clicking, and hopefully (finally) pass 100k interactions! I really do like that suggestion as well, it'd be even better if the notification was clikeable and would take you to the users online page and default "users who have clicked me" kinda thing, unless that's what you meant and I just completely missed it xp That does sound like a nifty competition as well, usually prizes for contests are little trophies and such, but to actually have a chance to possibly get a r10, or even 9 for first place would be really helpful to some, since trinket chests aren't the easiest to get for some I could definitively contribute to the prize as well, i've currently got 105 boxes saved up, and plan to keep saving (and only use them for specific trinket tasks) xp -------------------- [align=center]The help page has loads of useful information!
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Feb 20 2012, 09:22 PM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
@ Giraffe A Laugh I think a congratulations is in order for you achieving over 100,000 interactions today I would love to know how much pass orbs you end up getting at reset considering it's not a multiplier day and people tend to click less.
Thanks, and that's what a meant when I first mentioned the suggestion but I tend to not fully explain myself sometimes when I'm in a hurry. Again thanks for clearing that up. I think it would be a good idea if it would show the user how many people you need to click, as well as taking you too the user page As for the competition I'm glad you like it, I was kinda thinking that I would need another 2 people from different affinity's so that we could hopefully give members chances of winning stuff they don't have. I'm Malachite. So if anyone wants to volunteer, services would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking a competition in maybe 2 weeks? maybe shorter? @ Mizuki Himeji thank you so much for sending me your spare trinkets, I did not even ask you This will be a big help for the competitions!!! Spare Trinkets <3 (click to show )
This post has been edited by Velocity: Feb 20 2012, 09:23 PM -------------------- |
Feb 20 2012, 11:54 PM
That one laughing Giraffe Group: +Donors Posts: 556 Joined: 4-October 09 From: London, ON Member No.: 66 646 Active Squad |
Thanks a bunch! xp
really surprised myself today with all this clicking, anyways, here's my stats for the whole day *note I did use odd incense, so pass orbs should be half of what it originally is Users who have clicked me back: 1,049 Users i've interacted with: 19,500 total pass orbs: 206.42 Edit: Also adding on, I'm wulfenite affinity, and have no problem sending said trinkets to you to give out, or to give them out myself if there will be a contest c: This post has been edited by Giraffe A Laugh: Feb 21 2012, 12:31 AM -------------------- [align=center]The help page has loads of useful information!
[/align] |
Feb 21 2012, 12:29 AM
None Group: +Donors Posts: 353 Joined: 24-June 10 From: Massachusetts Member No.: 102 120 Top Favorites |
I agree with the suggestion you made and I also like the competition idea, i don't have any poke chest saved up i could start saving them, but i do have a very generous side where i wouldn't mind giving out trinkets I already have as prizes. ;
Also thanks for letting me join This post has been edited by SilverLugia456: Feb 21 2012, 12:29 AM -------------------- GPXplus Groups Joined (click to show ) Contest Ribbons and Credits (click to show ) |
Feb 21 2012, 12:56 AM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
@ SilverLugia456 welcome to the group! and thank you for your very generous offer for collecting pokechests and as much as I would greatly appreciate it, I would prefer it if you keep them for yourself unless you already have most of them or you just really want to help out then your welcome to.
@ Giraffe A Laugh I just got a huge shock when I went to check my trinkets and notice you sent me like a billion thank you so much this will really come in handy for the competition. As for the competition I was thinking every time I hit a certain amount of pokechests collected e.g 50, 100 etc I would have a competition using the trinkets I get from chests. The competition itself we could either be total pass orbs earned in one day, which would still operate for the full week. But you have 7 tries of earning the most pass orbs you can. Rank 1 would be like (250+) rank 2 (100+) rank 3 (50+). Or total pass orbs you can earn in a week. Obviously the second option would be a lot harder to manage, but it's really up to what you guys want. This post has been edited by Velocity: Feb 21 2012, 12:57 AM -------------------- |
Feb 21 2012, 01:09 AM
None Group: +Donors Posts: 353 Joined: 24-June 10 From: Massachusetts Member No.: 102 120 Top Favorites |
its not a problem really, whether I already have them or not, if you need help I'll be glad to offer it.
as for the competition, either way is fine with me, both give me a goal I want to set or try to reach but I'll go with whatever one is going to be easier to manage as well, i certainly wouldn't want to go for something that would give someone a hard time to organize or manage. ^^ though when the competitions will be maybe should vary as well, i mean you could get 50 chests and get many of one rank but not enough of another or something like that so maybe switch ways between each competition. Like first competition have it be like you said in 2 weeks then after that when you get so many chests and then come up with another way for the next competition so of mix it up a bit. This post has been edited by SilverLugia456: Feb 21 2012, 01:20 AM -------------------- GPXplus Groups Joined (click to show ) Contest Ribbons and Credits (click to show ) |
Feb 21 2012, 02:43 AM
Pidgey Trainer Group: Administrators Posts: 1 133 Joined: 20-September 09 From: Texas Member No.: 64 269 PIDGEY LOVE |
The competition itself we could either be total pass orbs earned in one day, which would still operate for the full week. But you have 7 tries of earning the most pass orbs you can. Rank 1 would be like (250+) rank 2 (100+) rank 3 (50+). I like thisss. Mainly so I only have to be super active on only one day. That might sound horrible, but I'm trying to get more work for work, and I haven't really cared for clicking lately. Even while being on TBD... >< I did hit my 1,500 interactions and 10+ pass orbs yesterday though, so I am quite proud. Was too busy the day before that, which was when I applied and I know that probably made me look bad, so thanks for accepting me on that day anyway. xD I usually send my spare trinkets to friends, so I'm kind of torn between donating them for the competition and helping them out. I just have to hope that the majority of my pal pad joins this group then.. As for my affinity, I'm also Malachite. This post has been edited by Jen: Feb 21 2012, 02:44 AM -------------------- |
Feb 21 2012, 02:50 AM
There’s a lot of tension in this town Group: +Donors Posts: 2 004 Joined: 30-April 09 From: Louisiana Member No.: 17 626 Active Squad |
My only really active days are on the weekends, including Friday. Well this week I"m pretty active because of Mardi Gras break, and I got a fair amount of Pass Orbs throughout the past few days, around 120 or so a day. The last time I broke my Pass Orb record was during the last SWSH
By the way, my affinity's Wulfenite but I've been stockpiling my chests for the scavenger hunt so I don't have a whole lot of spares to give away at the moment. -------------------- |
Feb 21 2012, 02:53 AM
Pokemon Master! Group: +Donors Posts: 250 Joined: 30-June 09 From: Australia Member No.: 40 800 Mew! |
@ Jen Thanks for your input its really appreciated I also think the first option is the way to go and I fully understand that not everyone can be active everyday. So I am leaning towards Total pass obs earned in one day for the competition. Again don't worry/feel bad about not donating trinkets. I have already had a few people give me some and I have currently 104 chests unopened. Hopefully I have some trinkets in which the winner/s do not have
Thanks for the add too @ShatteredGlass I should be more clear on the requirements as I don't won't anyone feeling inclined to have to meet the requirements everyday. As I am quite aware not everyone can be on every day. In fact I go back to uni next week so I will be a few hours each day around reset. Good luck on the scavenger hunts, I too have been stockpiling pokechests. 7/7 so far and now looking for a poison pokemon for the poke hunt haha. This post has been edited by Velocity: Feb 21 2012, 03:03 AM -------------------- |
Feb 22 2012, 11:57 PM
None Group: +Donors Posts: 353 Joined: 24-June 10 From: Massachusetts Member No.: 102 120 Top Favorites |
Well, today was a very successful day for me,
I ended up earning 98 pass orbs which for some reason almost never happens but for the past few days I have been earning a lot more than usual. -------------------- GPXplus Groups Joined (click to show ) Contest Ribbons and Credits (click to show ) |
Feb 25 2012, 09:14 PM
Hi am a Apple Bloom fan Group: Members Posts: 218 Joined: 21-August 10 From: America Member No.: 110 919 Ponies <3333333333 |
@Velocity Your welcome.I love giving out trinkets
Oh yay I am malachite affinity Mizuki Himeji is now Mizuhisa This post has been edited by Mizuhisa: Feb 26 2012, 09:46 AM -------------------- |
Feb 26 2012, 08:35 PM
Account Upgraded | Title Enabled Group: +Donors Posts: 561 Joined: 19-September 10 Member No.: 114 649 Active Squad |
Got 20 K interactions 2day and got somewhere around 90 pass orbs. (How does that work..?) anyways, Been clicking a lot lately as well, but I'm done for the week, can't click any more
Also, on a side note, I'm Wulfenite -------------------- |
Feb 26 2012, 10:48 PM
Pokémon Trainer Group: Members Posts: 21 Joined: 30-August 10 Member No.: 112 118 Active Squad |
So far 253.95 pass orbs. Try to reach the 300 threshold and of course to break my record.
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