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The Thief*, Protoman, rt117 and Erik Nolastname
Erik Nolastname
post Jul 23 2012, 01:03 AM
Post #1

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Toxic Troopers

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A flock of wild Pidgey flew overhead and scared a rather nervous Sandshrew foraging for food along the forest floor. Food has been increasingly difficult to come by even for a Pokémon as hardy as him, forcing him to venture from the rocky hills of Fallarbor into unfamiliar territory up north. He’s been searching for prey for days but to no avail. Maybe today he’d be lucky.

Suddenly, his ears caught a tiny hint of movement a few feet in front of him. Finally, he thought. He inched forward, being extra careful not to make any unnecessary noise. Quietly, he slipped behind a small shrub. His sharp nose catching wafts of sweet scent coming from outside his hiding place. This is it.

In one swift movement, he sprung from the shrub and landed right on top of his target: a startled Shroomish who released a cloud of Stun Spore in defence. The paralyzing powder hit Sandshrew squarely on the face and he reeled from its effects. He could feel his limbs slowly gain weight with paralysis as he tried to Scratch his opponent. The Shroomish saw its opportunity and scurried away from him.

Sandshrew struggled to stand up and tried to chase after it but he was too weakened from being hungry to fight off his condition. He fell on the forest floor and let out a loud groan. Things have not been going smoothly for the poor Pokémon. As a baby, his Donphan father was caught by red-clad rangers patrolling the borders north of Fallarbor and he’s been left all alone ever since. He couldn’t forget the flash of red that took away his only family but he was too weak to fight them all. If only he could find someone to help him. If only.

A few minutes later, the Shroomish returned and brought with it a very angry Breloom. Sandshrew was alerted, but couldn’t move. He tried to crawl away and hide, but his paralyzed body felt like it weighed a ton. The Breloom lurched forward, preparing for one painful-looking Headbutt. He gathered up all the strength he could muster and curled up in defence as his opponent’s attack landed with a big thud, sending him flying into the air several feet away.

Luckily, his fall was broken by something large, soft and blue. Something that moaned in sharp pain as he landed on it.

“Ungh,” it said. “Wha-- What’s going on?”

The large blue creature opened its eyes and saw a rather odd looking ball on his stomach, right on the spot where the pain that woke him up was. He struggled to stand up, but his muscles felt like it was made of soft rubber. He tried to touch the ball but it unfurled into one exhausted looking Sandshrew that looked at him with tired eyes.

From a distance, he could hear soft padded feet making their way to where they are. In one quick moment, a Breloom exploded from a bush in front of him, followed by a Shroomish – both looking like they were about attack.

The Breloom saw the human and prepared to launch another devastating Headbutt. In one swift move, the attacker ran forward, headfirst, aimed at the human who was still sprawled helplessly on the ground. The Sandshrew threw itself in the angry Grass-type’s way and was again sent flying towards the human who was still trying to figure out what was happening. The two of them was sent back from the attack and tried to quickly recover, but to no avail. The Breloom seemed satisfied about teaching the Sandshrew a lesson in pain and walked away with the Shroomish who stuck out its tongue at them.

The human finally regained some energy and stood up. He looked at the Sandshrew and felt sorry for it.

“Thanks,” he said, with a weak smile. “For whatever that was.” The Sandshrew gave him a squeak and a smile before falling into unconsciousness.


It was already dark when he came to but there was a small fire burning near him, its welcome warmth flowing through his body and giving him some energy. He noticed some berries were gathered beside him and, as if he’s been starving for a year, he grabbed at them and stuffed his mouth with as much berries he could fit inside it.

“Oh you’re up now,” a cool voice said from behind him. The Sandshrew was startled and ran away as quick as he could into the darkened woods. The human started after him and called out, “Wait! It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”

He turned around and faced his pursuer who was carrying some dried up firewood. With his mouth dripping saliva from being half filled with berries, he cautiously made his way back to this person who offered him more of the sweet and refreshing food he's never had in days.

“It’s alright. Here, have some more. By the way, my name is,” the human paused, his face struggled as if trying to remember something hard. “Erik,” he said at last, after a brief moment of effort.

The Sandshrew moved up closer to him, inspecting every detail of this odd person who brought him food. He’s not like the red-clad monsters that took his father away from him. His face was much gentler and kinder. Erik led the Pokémon back to the campfire and sat down on the floor. He watched as the Sandshrew munched on the berries like it’s the first time it has eaten in days.

An hour has passed and the Pokémon felt drowsy from being full. He felt relaxed and decided to trust the human enough to fall asleep right there and then.

“Good night, then,” Erik said, as he lied on the floor, trying to catch some sleep for himself as well.

This post has been edited by Erik Nolastname: Jul 23 2012, 03:13 AM

Check out my Uprising RP character: Erik Nolastname

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post Jul 23 2012, 05:01 PM
Post #2

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Uprising Pokemon

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Six weeks after his rough mission in the mall, Richie had finally made quite a speedy recovery. Finally getting an increase in his ranking, Richie was proud of himself and thought that he earned his first vacation. The medics, however, told him that he was on sick leave from his pressing injuries.

"I'll take it," Richie stated as he was finally able to move his leg freely once more. After six weeks of being wrapped in medical tape, it was time that he took it off. With all of his injuries fully healed, Richie thought about everything he had been through to this day. Waiting in the Pokemon Center, Sera glanced around at the different trainers coming in and out of the building, some simply coming in for treatments, while others headed up and down the stairs situated in the back end of the building. For some reason she wasn’t allowed to go down there, never getting an answer when she asked, other than the fact that she couldn’t be told why. It was an annoying ritual, but once she was very slowly getting used to. Richie had told her to wait here while he went to take care of some business. Surely it had to have been hours by now, but with each glance at the clock hanging on the wall, it reminded her that only half an hour had passed since she had first sat down. Still, she couldn’t help but feel that he could at least hurry up with whatever business he had to take care of. Sitting on her lap was one of Sera’s companions, Sera’s Pichu. He was fast asleep in his spot, large triangle-shaped ears lowered in his rest, tiny arms spread out before him as he had dozed off during their wait. While Sera had wanted to go look around the center for a bit, she didn’t have the heart to stir him from his slumber, and simply waited in her seat for her friend to return. Finally being unwrapped from his mummy like state, Richie came walking up the steps, cracking his neck and rubbing his shoulders. He immediately noticed Sera, and without another moment's hesitation, walked towards her.

"Sorry for the wait," Richie told her, finally smiling like he used to, "I had to be demummified." With a large smile, Richie made it known that he truly cared about her and her concerns. Sera nearly bolted upright if it wasn’t for the realization that Spark was still fast asleep on her lap. Smiling at he made his way over to them, she shook her sleeping Pokemon awake, the Pichu’s large eyes blinking open, and his large ears perking up. Once he had finally gotten up, Sera was free to move onto her feet, her small companion hopping up onto her shoulder.

“No problem. So how does your leg feel?” she asked, looking at his now-healed leg, which looked almost as good as new, as if it had never been injured in the first place. Hopefully it wouldn’t interfere with the training she was hoping to get in. She was hoping that at some point today she could check out one of the stores at the mall, the one that sold Technical Machines and other things that helped Pokemon learn.

"Good as new," he responded, still smiling very hard. He looked at Spark, petting him on his head softly as he let Ryu out of his Luxury Ball. The Riolu saluted Richie, who saluted back out of sheer gratitude for his help from last time.

“Great! I was worried for awhile that there would have been permanent damage.” Sera confessed, smiling as she watched Richie reach out to pat Spark gently on the head, the Pokemon letting out a happy chirp in response to the attention he received. The Pichu had been quick to get used to being near Richie again, as he wasn’t a complete stranger to the young Pokemon. “So, do you have any plans for today?” she asked. Sera had decided after having received his injury that she would explore the rest of the city on her own, as moving around had become more of a task for someone in bandages. She learned a little more about her surroundings, and with the help of Spark (who was much more familiar to the city and its streets) she never got lost. Still she had a few close calls when it came to accidentally wandering into territory that belonged to Magma, but somehow she always managed to get away.

"Well," Richie began, "they have a special in the mall where I can bring someone and get a free massage. I thought it sounded like a good idea to take Ryu with me." He placed a hand on Ryu's head, causing the jackal to look up at him. "He deserves a break."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Sera grinned, looking over at Spark with a smile. “I wouldn’t mind taking Spark with me for a treatment.” After everything that the small Pokemon had been through, Sera figured that her young companion would deserve a little relaxation. Perhaps taking his mind off of his missing trainer would help him out a bit. “We could probably grab a bite to eat while we’re there too. Plus it’ll give me a chance to check out the store that sells Technical Machines, to give me an idea on what to teach my Pokemon next.”They probably weren’t strong enough for the more powerful machines, but Sera was certain that she could find something that they could use. After all, the more moves they knew for battle, the better the chance they had to win. At least that's how she felt. Richie nodded, smiling at his Riolu, who in turn, smiled right back at him. A spa treatment already? This would be a great day for him already. After bouncing around for a while, Ryu finally settled down and prepared to leave for the Shopping Mall they were in a month and a half ago.

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post Jul 23 2012, 05:10 PM
Post #3

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“By the way, you still owe me another practice battle.” Sera reminded him, looking over at her friend with a smirk. Since his injury, Sera had decided to spend more solo training time with her Pokemon, wanting to get a little stronger for her next match against Richie. This time she knew that her Pokemon would do a better job, rather than their clowning around last time. “But I would like to get those Technical Machines first, so how about after our stops at the mall we have a one-on-one match?” Sera asked. She still hadn’t decided what to get for her Pokemon. Her selection would be limited because of her funds, but she still had enough to afford one machine per Pokemon.

"Sounds good," Richie agreed, ready to begin heading towards the mall once more. He pulled out a set of keys and acted as if he was going to toss them to Sera. "Do you wanna drive?"

Sera blinked as he asked her about driving, grinning slightly with embarrassment as she scratched the back of her head. She had never found the need to learn to drive before, her travels not normally requiring a car or truck. Plus odds were that she would never be able to afford a vehicle in her lifetime, meaning that there really was no need for her to learn how to drive in the future“Yeah...I’ve never driven before, so I’ll have to pass on that.” She replied with a light smile.

Hearing this statement, Richie quickly stopped swinging his arm towards her, placing the keys back inside of his pocket. Heading towards the door, Richie signalled for Ryu and Sera to follow him so they could all get to the car. Once they got to the garage, Richie unlocked everyone's doors so they could proceed to go to the shopping mall. "Do you think that they remember us," Richie asked, hoping that Sera would respond. In all honesty, he didn't want to be remembered since it was basically him who caused all of the damage. Well, him and Ramirez. He deserved some of the blame as well.

Sera thought for a moment about the incident in the mall a number of weeks back. Apart from the child who almost had his Bulbasaur taken from him, she couldn’t recall anyone in particular who had stuck around to watch the fight they held against the Team Magma members, as everyone else had fled the scene in an attempt to stay out of their way. She looked over at Richie, seeing that he was a little bothered by the idea of someone recognizing them, and offered him a small cheerful smile in an attempt to give him some kind of ease.

“Honestly? I don’t think so.” Sera finally responded, Spark hopping from her shoulder to land in the seat next to Ryu, giving him a toothy grin. “I doubt that many people stuck around during the fight we got caught up in the mall. And besides... even if there were a few people to see, it’s unlikely they will be there today. I’m pretty sure that the mall sees hundreds of customers every day, so the odds of bumping into them are probably rather unlikely.”

"Well, that's some good news," Richie stated, taking the car out of park and pulling out of the garage. "At least my picture won't be on the cover of newspapers or wanted posters." With a smile, Richie stopped at the red light ahead of them, thinking about his face being on a wanted poster.

“Nah, I doubt that as well.” Sera stated, finding it hard to imagine such a thing. “Even with the damage, those guys were looking for trouble. Plus I doubt anyone would be mad at you for trying to keep a child and his Pokemon safe.” She explained. “If anything, people would see you as more of a hero instead.” Glancing out the window, Sera couldn’t help but let her mind wander again. Despite the time they had together, he still hadn't said much about his missing friend. Perhaps with a little more time, he would feel more comfortable releasing the information she needed.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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Erik Nolastname
post Jul 25 2012, 01:58 AM
Post #4

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Toxic Troopers

The distant caw of a Murkrow hurrying to escape the spreading daylight of the dawn stirred Erik from his dreamless sleep. He sat up and shivered from the cold morning air that blanketed the forest floor. There were only dying embers left in their once vigorous campfire, its flames surrendering to the cold. He looked at his still sleeping companion: a hardy Sandshrew who was starting to gather dew on his tough dirt-packed backside, its paws jealously wrapped around a small bunch of half-eaten berries. It brought a smile to his face.

Just the day before, this little guy fought off an angry Breloom trying to attack them and the berries were his payment for the Pokémon’s act of kindness. And then, questions started popping in Erik’s mind: where did the Breloom come from? Why did it attack them in the first place? What happened before he was awakened by this Sandshrew yesterday? All he could remember was complete darkness. What was he doing deep in the forest anyway?

Erik paced around the black soot that was once their campfire and tried to think about what happened that led to this day, but he couldn’t. There was just nothing. It was just black. Dense and silent and black, as if there was something blocking his mind from connecting to his memories.

Frustrated, he slumped down loudly on the ground, waking up Sandshrew. The Pokémon looked at the human with questioning eyes.

“It’s nothing,” assured Erik. The Pokémon approached him and was blinded by a rather bright glitter, reflected by a lone beam of sunlight that penetrated the canopy. It reached out its paws and touched Erik’s shirt, and the human finally noticed it. He was surprised he didn’t see it immediately before: a golden locket in the shape of a Kirlia was tied around his neck. Erik pried it open and was greeted by a melancholy portrait a woman whose sad blue eyes appeared as if they looked deep within Erik’s soul. In an instant, he knew what he should do.


The Sandshrew tried its best to keep up with Erik who was making his way quietly through the shrubs and bushes of the forest of Antinanco, his every step calculated to avoid dried up twigs and branches that would crack loudly under his foot.

Erik finally turned around and faced the Sandshrew.

“Look, I’m thankful that you helped me out yesterday, but we have to go our separate ways now. You have to stay here at your home and I have to find some answers.”

The Sandshrew looked at him with eyes that began to well up.

“Don’t do that. Come on, go! Shoo!” He tossed small rocks at the Pokémon who backed away slowly from him. “Go away!”

The Sandshrew scampered away from him and dove into some bushes out of sight. Satisfied, Erik continued his trek through the forest, keeping the sun to his east until he arrived at a dirt road that cut through the woods. He followed the road north for an hour until he could see a city’s skyline in the distance.

Suddenly, there was a roar of engines that steadily grew louder from behind him. It was a tricycle driven by red clad people who was surprised to see a person walking along the road. The men’s uniform looked familiar but Erik couldn’t quite place them anywhere. He tried to hitch a ride, but the men laughed at him and drove on.

Another hour’s worth of walk and Erik arrived at a sign that welcomed him to Noverus. He was thirsty. Slowly, he walked towards one decrepit looking cafe and asked for some water. The waitress gave him a glass of cool water and as he gulped it down, he felt his energy returning. He noticed several customers eye him suspiciously from the corner of their eyes. There was a man reading a newspaper across the room who hid his face as soon as Erik glanced at him.

“I don’t have any money,” he told the waitress apologetically.

“It’s just water, dear. It’ll cost you about zero dollars,” she answered with a small laugh and walked away.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and two of the red clad men he saw earlier stepped inside, a fierce looking Mightyena by their side. They took a seat in a booth behind Erik and called for service. The waitress quickly approached their tables, pen and notepad out.

“You’re looking extra pretty today, Sharon,” one of the men exclaimed as he tried to touch the waitress’ waist.

“Now, now Laurio, behave yourself. What’ll it be?” she said, patiently waving the man’s hand off.

“The usual, I suppose. But if you could give me a kiss, I reckon it’ll be more delicious.” He reached out to the waitress who fell back in surprise, much to the laughter of the two men. Erik stood up and grabbed the offender by the wrists.

“Hey, what’s the big idea?” The man said as he fought off Erik’s strong grip.

“Mightyena, Bite!” ordered the other man, to which his Pokémon pounced on Erik but was miraculously thrown back by an invisible force.


“Officers!” said the man who was hiding behind his newspaper. He was smiling. He put his paper down and slowly approached the two men in red uniform. “Please, forgive my cousin here. He’s new to the city. Here, I’ll pay for your lunch. I’m terribly sorry about that.”

The man placed a large bill on the two officer’s table.

“I’ll make sure he keeps out of trouble from now on. Again, I am deeply sorry about that misunderstanding.”

“Fine, keep your cousin away from us because next time, we won’t be so forgiving.” The officer with the Mightyena commanded, suddenly forgetting about the mysterious force that knocked his Pokémon in the air. Mightyena’s nose sniffed the air and looked confused. Laurio grabbed the money on their table and pocketed it. “Come on, Marcus. Let’s go get lunch somewhere else. Mightyena, let’s go.”

The two of them headed out followed by their Pokémon who was still sniffing suspiciously around the cafe.

Erik helped the waitress back to her feet.

“Thank you about that,” Sharon said to Erik, dusting her apron. “Let me get you a bite to eat, dear. You look absolutely famished.”

“Who were those men?” asked Erik.

“Those cowards are Magma Grunts,” answered the mysterious man. “They’re running Noverus from ever since I could remember. Haven’t you heard of them? They were in a scuffle at the local mall a few weeks back.”

“They’re nothing but trouble, if you ask me.” Sharon said as she prepared a hearty platter for Erik.

“Thank you for interfering, by the way. I honestly didn’t know what their Mightyena would have done to me.” Erik said.

“All thanks go to my trusty partner here,” the man said, his hand gestured towards a barely noticeable red stripe suspended in midair. Erik looked confused. “Come on, Clio. Show yourself.”

In an instant, a Kecleon materialised in front of Erik and took a bow.

“She’s a beauty, isn’t she? Can blend in to her surroundings almost perfectly, making her look invisible. The name’s Skip, stranger. What’s yours?”

“It’s Erik,” he replied as Sharon arrived with a large plate of bacon, eggs, mashed potatoes and corn.

“Enjoy your meal, Erik. It’s on the house.”

This post has been edited by Erik Nolastname: Jul 25 2012, 02:01 AM

Check out my Uprising RP character: Erik Nolastname

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post Jul 26 2012, 07:35 AM
Post #5

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Uprising Pokemon

With Richie and Sera finally making it back to the shopping mall, Richie placed the car in park and unlocked all of the doors. Stepping out of the car and opening everyone's doors, Richie was already excited about getting a full massage. Without another chance to say anything, Richie's phone blared loudly, causing him to answer to prevent his ringtone from annoying anyone.

"Miller's Funeral Home," Richie responded, smiling as he made his joke very well known to his superiors. "You stab 'em, we grab 'em." He heard the person on the other end clear his throat and smiled instantly.

"Very funny Palmer," the Veteran on the other end stated, making Richie immediately regain a serious demeanor. "Allow me to start off by congratulating you on your increase in rank." Richie immediately smiled widely, feeling better than he ever did once the Veteran acknowledged his success. "It's been a long battle, but you've finally made it. But that's not why I contacted you.

"You will be switching from your usual mission to find and interrogate Gregory Ramirez II. We have all the intel we need from the lone recruit that our men managed to keep a hold of."
Richie thought back on what happened that day in the mall, with the two recruits splitting up and Ramirez breaking away from the other guards. He was too tired from that battle to stop both of them, but one was just enough to consider the mission a success.

"So," Richie began, now focusing less on Ramirez and more on his next mission. "What is the briefing for my next mission?"

"Your assignment," the Veteran began to state, "is now more complicated than you thought it would be. It may sound simple, but even you might need some backup with this one." Richie frowned up immediately, not because of the fact that he would need backup, but because of the difficulty of this mission. He hated dealing with extremely hard missions, especially if it's undercover work or even...

"This mission is search and rescue, Palmer," the veteran continued, "meaning that someone is out there waiting on you." Richie could hear the Vet lighting a cigarette in the background, blowing the smoke away from the phone. "You will be sent to a science lab, located on the south side of the Suburbs. Within this laboratory lie numerous Magmas that are holding countless scientists from the Mossdeep Space Station hostage."

"But why," Richie immediately asked, highly confused as to why anyone with a brain would capture rocket scientists, although he did read in a book that rocket science was one of the most advanced. "Why capture them from Mossdeep? There aren't any here in Noverus?"

"Apparently not, seeing as how they did this not too long ago." He paused once more, only to blow more smoke from his mouth as he tried not to hit the microphone with it once more. "Not only that, but the reason is the really bizarre part. They're trying to drain power from the Red Orb and send it to the Blue Orb, just to help Groudon get resurrected." Upon hearing this, Richie's stomach dropped. He already knew that this would be a bit of a problem if they let this continue.

"I'll take the mission," Richie stated, now having more than enough motivation for him to take his least favorite kind of mission. "I'll cut the power to the energy transferring machine and save the scientists from being hostages."

"Good job Palmer," the Veteran applauded, "Now for some unfortunate news." Richie immediately tensed up, ready for any bad news. "Your friend Violet is at The Keep..."Richie's heart dropped instantly. He never wanted Violet to have to go through something so horrible. As a prisoner there, her imprisonment was more than guaranteed and possibly permanent. Everything else that the man on the other end was saying proved to be less than irrelevant in Richie's mind. Violet's capture led her to being taken to The Keep. He had to find a way to make it up to her somehow, but he couldn't. With the press of the 'END' button, Richie's phone call was over, and his happy demeanor had left him entirely. He needed to find a way to access this prison that they only heard rumors about.

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post Jul 26 2012, 09:49 AM
Post #6

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Just as Sera was stepping out of the car, they both heard Richie’s phone begin to ring. He didn’t waste any time in grabbing it and answering the call, giving Sera the chance to step out of the car and grab Spark from the back seat. Letting the Pichu find a spot he wanted to sit on her shoulder, she turned to watch Richie, waiting for him to finish his phone call. She struggled to try and listen into the conversation, as she could barely hear the voice on the other end of the phone from where she was standing. From what she could hear on his side, he was getting assigned some new mission, which would probably mean less time for them to hang out together.

Even though Richie had refused to tell her anything, Sera still intended on trying to find out who he worked for, whether he wanted to or not. It wasn’t as if she was going to change her opinion on him, but she was just interested for curiosity’s sake. Obviously he wasn’t a Magma member, but he didn’t wear any kind of uniform that would associate him with Aqua, so what did that make him?

As Sera continued to wait on Richie, she noticed that his once pleasant demeanour quickly shifted into a more sullen one, as if he had received some horrid news. This caused Sera to frown, knowing that once he was like this way, it was hard to cheer him up. Though she didn’t know what he was being told, it was obviously something that he was hoping he’d never hear.

While she couldn’t hear both sides of the conversation, Spark could. His large ears had perked up the moment Richie’s phone had gone off, and had quietly listened to the whole thing. It wasn’t anything of great interest to him, at least until he heard the last couple of sentences spoken between the two, about Violet. Immediately, he dove off of Sera’s shoulder, landing on Richie’s and giving him a sad look.

“Is everything alright?” Sera asked as she stepped forward toward him, seeing her friend’s saddened expression and her Pokemon’s rather worried look. She wasn't sure why Spark was so upset. Had he heard the whole conversation? Was he just trying to cheer up Richie, or was there something else that was bothering him?


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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Erik Nolastname
post Jul 31 2012, 12:09 PM
Post #7

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Toxic Troopers

OOC (click to show)

It was all just a fluke, a mere coincidence that he crossed paths with the kind stranger. After weeks of foraging on barren landscapes, he managed to meet a kind human and lose him in under twenty-four hours. The Sandshrew stood up from the dirt under the bush he’s been hiding in and thought about what would happen now. It was as if fate has played a very bad joke on him and he’s beating himself up about it. Fate has shown him great kindness and then took it away before he could even appreciate it.

He slipped out the bush and tried to sniff the air, his strong sense of smell detecting faint hints of Erik’s scent. He followed the scent due west and arrived at a cleared section of the woods with a dirt road that cut right in the middle of it. Suddenly, something else caught his nose. Something familiar and sinister. Something that reminded him of the red people that took away the Donphan that raised him as a baby.

Is he doing the right thing?

Like a bullet, an answer hit him from behind. The Sandshrew was thrown forward and he landed on his face. He heard a horrible rattle that slithered from somewhere behind, but he couldn’t see what it is. The rattling grew louder as his foe moved closer. The Sandshrew stood up and he saw his opponent – a large Seviper coiling for another attack.

Everything moved in slow motion.

The Seviper launched itself, fangs bared, at the Sandshrew who moved to the sides evading him and retaliated with a well-placed Scratch. His opponent yelped in pain.

The snake circled around, extending his poisoned tail which tripped the Sandshrew as it moved to avoid the deadly attack. The ground type curled up and rolled towards his opponent who tried to bite him, unsuccessfully. His tough hide is almost impervious to any attack.

Both Pokémon backed away, their eyes locked on to each other’s, trying to measure the other’s abilities, trying to see who would dominate the battle. Then, suddenly, they both moved forward, one slithering the other scurring, and their impact caused a small explosion that raised up a fog of dirt from the ground.

A few feet away, voices reacted to the noise.

“What was that?”

“It came from over there! Come on! Mightyena, let’s go!”


“Allow me to officially welcome you to the greatest city in Hoenn,” Skip exclaimed as he led Erik to the city plaza leading to the local mall. “Noverus!”

Clio, Skip’s partner Kecleon, snorted.

“Oh you disagree?” he asked the Pokémon, to which it responded by rolling its eyes. Skip chuckled. He turned to face Erik who was looking at the city structures with calculating eyes. “You don’t seem to be from around here. Where are you from?”

The question registered in Erik’s head but no answer came to him.

“I-,” he muttered. “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? Why wouldn’t you know? I mean, if you don’t know, who would know?” Skip gave another hearty laugh that died as he noticed the trouble in his newfound friend’s eyes. “Hey, I didn’t mean to pry. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t wanna.”

“I don’t know where I’m from. I don’t know what I’m doing here. I don’t even know who I am!” Erik blurted out, surprised at his own words. The Kecleon changed colors and turned virtually invisible, afraid of Erik’s sudden outburst.

“Hey man, I’m sorry,” Skip started.

“No, I’m sorry. You were only trying to help. All I know is I woke yesterday in the woods and then I made it here. I don’t remember anything before that. It’s all just crazy.”

The three of them walked across the plaza and entered the mall. It didn’t look as majestic as Erik thought it would. The walls were old and stained, and half the shops were closed up. There was a stale smell around them as the air conditioner wheezed out dying breaths of cold air. There were not many people inside the mall. However, two trainers and a Pichu caught his eyes in the distance.

“Maybe you just need to unwind. I got a friend who just might be able to help you. Wait here.” Skip said as he sat Erik down on a dirty bench. “Come on, Clio.”

The two of them walked away and Erik observed the mall. He noticed signs of a past struggles that were covered up badly. What is this place? What is he doing here?

He remembered the woman in his locket. Who is she? Where does he find her? Where does he even start?

A few minutes pass and Skip returns, inviting him to go to a shop inside the mall. A sign outside read “Madam Natalia, Psychic.”

“You’ve got to be joking,” Erik said as he read the sign, but followed Skip inside anyway.

Check out my Uprising RP character: Erik Nolastname

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post Aug 21 2012, 09:51 AM
Post #8

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Uprising Pokemon

Richie simply glanced at the small electric mouse as he made his presence known to him rather well. Shaking his head, Richie lightly plucked the Pichu from his shoulder, handing him to Sera. Ryu finally was able to get out of the car, finally free to move his legs, but immediately hated the fact that he was able to do so. Staring at Richie with the utmost concern, the Riolu knew how sorrowful Richie really was. He just couldn't say anything about it since he couldn't talk. Immediately, Ryu rushed up to Richie, pulling on his pants leg once he finally made it to his owner. Looking at him longingly, Ryu tried to find out what happened that made Richie change his entire attitude. With a sigh, Richie looked down at Ryu, petting him on his head and smiling.

"Everything's fine," Richie told his Pokemon with a smile, in an attempt to convince the young jackal that everything really was okay. He knew that Riolu's could see the aura of people, but he didn't know if they knew about faking. He knew, however, that Sera would instantly pick up on it. He wasn't sure how he would explain to someone he met not too long ago that someone that was extremely close to him was captured by the one group that everyone loves to hate if they aren't one. "Let's get this spa treatment so we can relax a little." Without another moment to lose, Richie turned towards the door of the mall, grabbing it without any hesitation. As he pulled the door open, he looked inside to see that the mall was fixed entirely. It almost looked as if the mall had never seen the battle between the Rebel and the Magmas. Thoroughly impressed, Richie held the door open as he waited on Sera to walk through the door with Spark in tow. This day was going to be a good day in the end, regardless of the news he had received.

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post Aug 22 2012, 12:00 PM
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Taking Spark back from Richie as he passed her Pokemon along, Sera readjusted her grip to hold onto the Pokemon once more. She knew Richie was lying, even his Riolu could sense something was off. But being an apparent man of mystery, she probably wasn't going to get an answer from him any time soon. Hopefully he would become comfortable enough to open up with her.

"Alright, but just remember that if you need to open up about something, you can always talk to me. It's not healthy to bottle things up anyways." Sera reminded him as the pair began to walk to the doors. She had learned years ago that Riolu and its evolution were supposed to be able to sense the emotions of others. If anyone knew if Richie was bottling something it, it would be his Pokemon.

As Sera walked through the door that was held open and stepped inside of the mall, she stopped to take a quick look around at the different facilities, her attention drawn especially to the upper floors where their earlier battle had taken place. From what she could see, things appeared to be back to normal. Hopefully though nobody would recognize them as being partially responsible for the damage caused, even though it was for a good reason. All they were there for was a massage, and a quick glance in the store that sold Technical Machines. Without further delay, Sera walked forward toward the store directory, examining the layout of the mall to see where the two destinations were.

Each type of store on the multi-layered map was colour coded, to show the different types of stores, and who they catered to. Food stores were all one colour, while Pokemon-specific stores were in another. Clothing and Electronics even had their own colours too, making the diagram appear quite colourful. Eventually she found the two shops on the map, which actually weren't too far from one another according to the diagram. They could go to the spa first to get their treatment, then after she could quickly stop in at the store that sold the Technical Machines, and see if she could afford a few for her Pokemon.

This post has been edited by rt117: Aug 22 2012, 12:06 PM


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Erik Nolastname
post Sep 5 2012, 02:23 AM
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Toxic Troopers

“Mismagius, use Psychic.”

With an eerie purple glow, the Pokémon’s eyes locked on to Erik’s. In that same moment, he glimpsed an island in an ocean far away. On a hill, right in the middle stood a large facility looking completely out of place against the rustic rural aura of the houses surrounding it. It all looked very familiar to him: the beach, the buildings, the small island city.

There was a bright flash and suddenly it was sunrise and he was standing in front of the facility, it’s glass doors opening to reveal a woman. She was still too far away for Erik to recognize her face but he felt like he knew who the woman was.

Another bright flash.

The facility was burning. There were screaming people running everywhere. It was sunset.

Another flash.

Marauders in a red uniform was marching him forward into a submarine waiting in the beach. A Seviper knocked him in the head with its poisoned tail and then there was darkness.

“Stop it!” yelled a familiar man’s voice. “That’s enough!”

Erik fell down on his chair, sweat beading on his forehead. For a second, he didn’t know where he was.

“Are you alright?” Skip asked, eyeing the Mismagius suspiciously.

“I’m fine. What happened?” Erik answered.

“You almost wrecked this whole place. What did you see?”

“An island. There was an island with a large building.”

“Are you talking about Ever Grande? It’s an island where the Pokémon League building is.”

“No, I know Ever Grande. This was different. And then I saw those red uniforms again. They were there, too.”

Madam Natalia withdrew her Mismagius inside its Dusk Ball. “I couldn’t see what he saw, but I felt his pain. We could dig deeper if you’d like.”

“I think he’s had enough for the day,” Skip answered for Erik, who had his head in his hands.

“You’re welcome anytime, Skip,” she answered, and in one swift movement stood up and swept across the room and disappeared in the backroom separated by drapes.

Check out my Uprising RP character: Erik Nolastname

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post Oct 24 2012, 03:59 PM
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Just a reminder... (click to show)

After they finally walked inside, Richie immediately walked towards the map located in the middle of the floor. Using his finger to scroll across the map, he finally found the spa's location. Breathing in relief, Richie turned his attention to the rest of the group.

"Good news," Richie stated, "I found out where the spa is located." Smiling widely, he showed Sera the map he used to find the spa.

"Do you think we'd be able to stop at the Moves Shop before we go to the spa," Sera questioned, examining the map once again to find the distance between the two areas. The two stores weren't that far apart from each other, in fact they were literally across from one another.

"Sure thing," Richie responded before looking closer at the map. "We can go there first and then make our way to the spa to relax." Richie didn't mind walking around at all, since their last visit to the mall ended in quite the fiasco. Sera nodded with a smile, and allowed Richie to take the lead once more, as he had done just outside the building.

"Thanks." she started, looking at the different shops that housed their wares, taking a brief glance at the prices the owners placed. "I was hoping to find a couple of Machines to help my team learn some new moves. Perhaps a little later you could help me out with the practice?"

"A lot like last time," Richie responded as they continued to move through the mall, heading to the TM store. "Sounds like a lot of fun to me. I'm game." Ryu yipped happily as well, bouncing around Richie and Sera as they continued to move.

"Thanks,” Sera smiled, “I know I can always count on you when I need help." Sera paused and thought about what she said before suddenly grinning a little shyly in response to her sudden outburst. As the store came into sight, the girl was quick to run ahead of Richie, her Pichu clinging onto her shoulder in an attempt to stay attached as she flew through the doors, promptly skidding to a halt.

"Welcome to the TM store," the clerk smiled before noticing a young woman barreling into the doorway. "How may we help you today madam?" Sera quickly turned to the clerk after having taken a quick glance at a couple of TM devices.

"Yeah, I was hoping to have my team learn some new moves through these TMs. Do you know what they would be able to learn?" she questioned, holding a couple of Pokeballs in her hands, her electrical companion crawling back onto her shoulder with a small sigh of relief.

“Why certainly,” the clerk responded, “I have three in stock that just might fit you.” With a smile, the clerk walked around the counter and began to move towards the back. “Please await my return right here.” Without another word, she disappeared to the back of the store, searching for the TMs she had mentioned. Not even a minute after the clerk walked to the back, Richie finally stumbled in, with Ryu right behind him.

“Man,” Richie began before wiping his brow of the sweat he had built upon it, “when you want to get somewhere, you really wanna get there.” After a few moments of heavy breathing and calming down, Richie finally gathered himself together to return to his original demeanor. He then looked towards the back where the clerk was, since she had finally returned with the three discs in her hand.

“Sorry for the long wait,” she stated, blushing a little bit at her new appearance. Her clothes were covered in dirt, as well as being slightly torn at the base of her apron. Her hair was now a lot less tame than when Sera first walked inside. There were dirt spots on her cheeks and chin, and her pants were now spotted brown and white. The TMs, however, remained clean and intact, which implied that the woman guarded them with her life.

“Talk about dedicated,” Richie blurted out, making the clerk blush harder. She quickly showed Sera the three discs, soon returning herself to the professional she was meant to be.

“This one,” she said, pointing to the left most disc, “is TM 90, or Substitute, in more basic terms.” The clerk moved her finger to the disc in the center. “This one is TM 94, or Rock Smash,” and she finally moved her finger to the disc all the way on the far right, “and this one is actually a TM from a faraway land. This one is Whirlpool.” After showing Sera the three discs, she closed them together and handed them to her. “Be extra careful with that third one,” the clerk warned Sera, “it's very fragile and can easily break, even after it is used.” The clerk breathed in a sigh of relief. “That was the most difficult item to obtain. However, I trust that you two will take great care of it.”

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post Oct 24 2012, 05:46 PM
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Sera had never seen a TM before, having expected something more complicated than a disc. She kept this to herself though as she was handed the three discs. Now she just needed to figure out how to use them for her Pokemon. "Thanks! How do I..ummm...use the TMs?" she asked, a little embarrassed to ask as it made her feel like a complete beginner. Which she was, sort of. The clerk simply smiled at the girl, before pointing over to the wall of the store. Set in a line against the wall was a set of six helmets, each attached to a strange looking machine with a disc holder.

"Just pop the disc in and let your Pokemon wear the helmet. After you start it, the Pokemon will learn the move." she explained. Nodding in thanks, Sera quickly dug out her wallet, having remembered that she still needed to pay for the discs. They cost her the rest of her funds, though she didn't mind. Rarely did the girl have the chance to splurge after all, and she figured that this was a worthy cause. Especially for her Pokemon. "Thank you so much for your help." she grinned, before running over to the wall and the different machines. As she examined one of the machines, Spark jumped onto one of the stools from her shoulder, examining the strange-smelling helmet. It smelled like a mix of many different Pokemon, much to his distaste.

"Don't worry, I don't think this will take long." she reminded the small electrical mouse, before carefully placing the Substitute TM into the machine. Sera then turned to her Pokemon and helped get the helmet over his large ears, fastening it down gently as not to cause any discomfort. Once she was satisfied that it wouldn't slip off, she read the instructions that were printed on the machine, pressing one of the many buttons on the panel.

There was a whirl of life as the machine started, reading the information from the disc. A small opaque visor slid down over the Pichu's eyes, before the helmet began to feed him information. A small progress bar appeared on the machine's display, quickly filling with a lime green light as the move was taught to the small Pokemon. It didn't seem to take long before a melodic chime echoed from the machine, the helmet unfastening from Spark and lifting up, leaving a rather dizzy Pokemon sitting on the stool. He tried to take a few steps forward, before falling face first onto the ground. With a small smile, Sera walked over and scooped him up. "Dont worry, just try to relax a little and let the dizziness wear off." Sera told him, before setting him onto one of the spare seats.

Ensuring that her companion would be alright, she called out the rest of her team, Cinder and Ryu. Following the same procedure with her Pichu, Sera helped the two get prepared to learn their moves. Afraid of damaging the Whirlpool disk, she was very careful in placing the disc into Ryu's machine. Doing her best to monitor both of the machines, the girl quickly started them up, moving between the two constantly to make sure that there were no issues. Cinder's was the first to finish with the same chime, but as Ryu's machine continued, she began to hear a bit of rattling coming from the disc. She was worried that the disc was about to shatter, but a quick chime from Ryu's machine cleared her fear. As it opened up, she was quick to retrieve the disc, as well as Cinder's TM, and store them in the case that she had been given.

"Well that was fun... let's give you guys some rest." Sera smiled, recalling her two Pokemon before scooping up a still tired Spark.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
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post Nov 20 2012, 12:38 AM
Post #13

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Uprising Pokemon

Richie clapped his hands together after he noticed Violet retrieving the final TM from her Pokemon. He started to think about getting one of his own, but then thought twice about it. Instead, Richie decided to direct his attention to the outside where the spa was located. Without a second thought, Richie began to make his way towards the double doors, with Ryu steadily keeping up with him. Richie's body seemed to move on its own as he directed himself towards the spa entrance, where he met a female clerk wearing a black kimono with red trim and a golden dragon going down the left hand side. With the clerk making eye contact, Richie cleared his throat.

"Hello," he began, smiling slightly. The clerk smiled back, showing some of her pearly teeth.

"Hello sir," the woman replied, bowing towards Richie, who bowed in response to prevent himself from seeming too proud. "Welcome to the Yukimaki Spa and Hot Spring." With a sudden burst of surprise, Richie looked at the woman in disbelief.

"This is a spa and hot spring," Richie asked in disbelief. The clerk nodded, giggling at Richie's shocked expression.

"Would you like to enjoy a nice massage or maybe a soak in our indoor hot spring," the woman asked as Richie continued to question himself on the very same subject.

"Can my friend here and I get both," Richie asked as he picked up his Riolu and showed him to the woman. She nodded with a smile, escorting the two of them to the back.

"The massage therapist will be back here shortly," she told Richie and Ryu as they both sat there waiting to get their much needed break. As they waited, Richie began to stretch to relax himself as he prepared for the relaxation to set in. Ryu, who basically mimicked his trainer's every movements in order to think like him, stretched as well. After about five minutes, two young ladies walked into the room. Both of which were identical in everything except for their clothes. The girl on the left wore a royal purple kimono with purple trim while the other wore a pink kimono with blue trim. Both of them bowed to Richie and Ryu before asking them to turn onto their stomachs.

"Sure," Richie stated, flipping onto his stomach with relative ease. After ten seconds of lying there, Richie's body began to loosen, being relieved by the hands of the woman in the purple kimono. Beginning to drool a little bit, Richie planted his face into the pillow that was underneath his head. Beside him was his fateful companion Ryu, who was thoroughly enjoying the massage. He was enjoying it so much, in fact, that he began to glow white. His body also began to change shape, becoming much longer and more profound. His ears stood up on end, with two more additions to his fur in the back. What's more, his paws began to tighten up and become more human-like. After the glow died down, Ryu finally had evolved from a Riolu to a Lucario.

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post Nov 20 2012, 01:09 AM
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Having secured the slumped form of Spark in her grasp and the purchased discs from the machines she had used, Sera turned to see Richie standing there, having watched the girl tend to her team with the TM technology. However with her portion of the trip done, it was now time to move on to the reason that he had come to the mall. She carefully hurried over toward him, trying hard not to jostle the half asleep Pichu in her grasp as they walked over toward the spa, or at least what she thought was the spa. It wasn't until they stepped inside and were greeted that she was able to get a better look around. The front of the store didn't reveal right away that it was a spa, rather it displayed a number of health and beauty products that were meant to be used at home instead. Perhaps the other facilities were in the back, away from the peering eyes of passer-bys.

As Richie requested for his treatment, Sera made a quick request for her free massage as well. Having spent all of her money on the purchase of the TMs, she had to ensure that she made the most out of today without spending a dime. Plus Spark looked like he could use the massage, almost ready to fall asleep within her arms. With that, Tayva tagged along as they made their way into the back, past the store front and into a small waiting room where she was to wait for the therapist. They had made a turn before Richie's room, finding themselves in a different waiting room. She scratched the base of Spark's left ear, trying to arouse the small Pokemon from his slumber to let him know where they were. He stretched and yawned in response, before opening his large eyes and glancing around, seeming a little confused as to their new location.

"It's a good thing we're getting this for free." Sera started to herself, trying to pass the time before the therapist attended to them. "Those TMs cleared me out of everything. I'll have to find something to do to earn a little cash after we're done here for today." Odd jobs didn't always pay well, and they were never guaranteed, but it was better than nothing. She had considered getting a part time or a full time job near the Pokemon Center, but she wasn't the only one in search of employment. Not only that, but she just wasn't that used to being tied down by a schedule. Having traveled all this time made her appreciate being able to do what she wanted, and for minimum change. On the road, she didn't have to pay to get anywhere, and she could always forage for food when hungry. But in the concrete jungle, everything seemed to cost something. It was the unfortunate downside to living in luxury, or something close to it.

Their time alone was soon interrupted as two woman entered, instructing them to lay on special beds with holes in the head rest. Sera crawled onto one of them, Spark jumping from her hands to relax on the one opposite. It would be hard for the small Pokemon not to fall asleep as she was tended to, as relaxing as it was. Meanwhile the trainer laid down on her stomach, allowing her face to peek through the cushioned hole, smiling as she was tended to while being unaware of what went on in the other room.

This post has been edited by rt117: Nov 20 2012, 01:14 AM


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post Nov 20 2012, 11:30 AM
Post #15

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Uprising Pokemon

With Richie and Ryu enjoying their free massages, time seemed to slip right by the pair of them. The first girl tried shaking Richie to wake him up, to no prevail. The second woman woke up Ryu, who grouchily rubbed his eyes before getting out of the bed he was lying in. Looking at Richie with patience, the Lucario tapped Richie on his back, trying to get his attention. With Richie snoring rather loudly, Ryu got a little frustrated, this time tapping Richie harder to try and get his attention. With no response the second time either, Ryu finally got aggravated to the point that he pushed Richie off of the bed, making him hit the floor.

"Ow," Richie stated, jumping up off of the floor to discover who the culprit was. "Alright, who's the wise guy?" Ryu glared at Richie, who stared back at him, unsure who the Lucario really was.

"It's me," Ryu stated, soon realizing that even though he understood Richie perfectly, Richie was unable to understand him perfectly. Sighing in a relaxed manner, Ryu finally walked towards Richie, extending his paw to offer assistance.

"Thanks," Richie began, "but I'd prefer it if Ryu helps me up." He looked around the room to try and find his Riolu, which made him a little more concerned with the events taking place at the moment. After several minutes, one of the massage therapists stopped Richie in his tracks.

"Your Riolu evolved," the woman told him, "it happened while he was getting massaged." Richie looked at his Pokemon, beginning to smile widely as he inspected the transformation. Richie was thoroughly elated at Ryu becoming stronger. Finally accepting the change, Richie saluted his Pokemon, getting a salute in return. "So, does this mean we can finish our spa treatment," Richie concluded, smiling along with his Lucario at the twins, who simply smiled back. They escorted Richie and Ryu to the hot spring, where both of them got themselves ready to get in the springs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

After about five minutes of preparation, Richie and Ryu both sat in the hot spring, with Richie almost sinking his entire body into the water. Ryu, watching Richie's every move, decided to join Richie in his super soak. The water felt amazing after being in there for a while. Richie and Ryu looked at each other, smiling at their ability to relax and have time to themselves. Richie looked at Ryu, the newly evolved Lucario, wondering how he felt when he actually went through the evolution process. He always questioned whether or not humans could have the ability to understand Pokemon like Lucario, hearing that there are some rare cases when they could understand them. Richie continued to wonder if Ryu would be able to understand him as well. He had done a good job so far, but now could he continue and even better, could he think like Richie? His pondering this made him forget that he was enjoying a spa treatment. Continuing to soak in the hot springs, Richie went back to relaxing and enjoying himself, wondering what Sera was doing, but not being too concerned.

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post Nov 20 2012, 01:19 PM
Post #16

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After what seemed like forever to the pair, Sera and Spark's massages had finished, Despite his best efforts the baby Pokemon had dozed off during the treatment, only to awaken to his trainer shaking his small shoulder lightly. Taking the small Pichu in her arms, the pair were then escorted to a change room, where they were to get ready for a good long soak. Fortunately the facilities had a set of lockers to store personal belongings, which Sera made use of to store her normal clothing and her Pokeballs, having been offered swimwear to use for the springs. Locking everything up, she kept the key on a small wristband that she wore, following one of the women out to the inviting springs.

Entering into the springs area, she saw Richie and what appeared to be a new Pokemon. Blinking in confusion, she strode toward the edge of the spring, before settling in with Spark in tow. The smaller Pokemon wasn't an adept swimmer, and so a small flotation device was offered by the same escort to keep him afloat in the water. At first the Pichu was a little anxious being in the water, but soon after a little bit of a lap around in the spa, he seemed to enjoy himself greatly, taking to swimming around more than relaxing. On the other hand Sera simply sunk down a little into the warm inviting waters, her neck grazing the surface lightly as she hung her arms outside.

"Did you have a good massage?" Sera asked, trying to act as if nothing had changed. She couldn't help but glance over at the Lucario, wondering whose it belonged to. Not only that, but Richie's Riolu didn't seem to be anywhere nearby either. Upon registering the absence of Ryu, something clicked in the girl's head: perhaps Richie's Pokemon had evolved while they had been apart. It would explain why there was no other trainer other than the two of them, and the Lucario likely wasn't wild either.

"So... Is that Ryu?" she finally asked, nodding over toward the seemingly new Pokemon. She had learned that some Pokemon were capable of evolving through happiness and friendship, though only knew of a few examples: Igglybuff, Cleffa, and Togepi. None of which she had ever seen evolve, let alone see, as they were hard to come by, even in the wild. Apparently not all Pokemon that evolved through evolution were Baby Pokemon either, ones such as Buneary and Chansey being exceptions to the rule. Sera couldn't help but wonder how Richie felt about the sudden change. They had probably been together for much longer than herself and Spark, and it was probably quite easy to get too used to a Pokemon being in its current state. Though evolution was natural, it could still be a big change for some, making her wonder if he would get used to seeing Ryu so different.


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post Jan 21 2013, 01:23 PM
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Uprising Pokemon

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Richie, who barely registered Sera's presence, simply nodded his head, allowing the bubbles and steam to temporarily subdue him. After a few seconds, and the second question that he was asked, Richie snapped out of his trance, immediately acknowledging that a female was in the same spring as he was. Almost jumping up in anxiety, Richie immediately flopped back down into the water. The problem was obviously the fact that he was naked underneath the steam and bubbles in the water. Blushing fiercely, Richie simply nodded at the question asked about Ryu's new form.

"Yeah," Richie replied, "Ryu had a bit of a growth spurt over the past ten minutes." Sinking a little bit farther into the water, Richie began to blow a few bubbles as he contemplated the best escape route. Fortunately Sera was oblivious to his predicament, simply relaxing with a smile as she tilted her head upward, looking at the plain white ceiling with a smile. There really wasn't much to see, apart from the vents that would suck up the rising moist air, and whisk it out of the room to prevent damages to the building.

"I noticed..." she smiled, gazing back down at him once more. “Congratulations.” After a few moments, Sera broke the silence once more. "Have you ever gotten used to having a Pokemon evolve?" she questioned, glancing over at the swimming figure of Spark. She had never had any of her Pokemon evolve, and probably for a good reason, not having done training for too long.

"Back in Johto," Richie responded, finally wiping his face of the water that covered it. "I had a Cyndaquil that evolved twice, and my Larvitar did as well." Thinking back on his journey in Johto, Richie remembered leaving all of his Pokemon in his mother and Professor Elm's care. He closed his eyes and thought about all of his friends and even his enemies. Richie sighed greatly, finally returning to reality as he scratched his head. Smiling as he looked at his Lucario, Richie patted the jackal on his head. "I bet he's learned quite a few new tricks that his body wasn't able to handle before." With a nod, Ryu signaled to Richie that what he was thinking was very true. Sera nodded as she listened to his small story, her attention captured by Spark floating around on the surface of the water. As he floated close to her, she reached out with a hand and spun his little device, watching with a small smile as he spun around and around, much to his pleasure.

"I see,” she responded, letting the water soak into her pores, “I haven't had a Pokemon evolve myself, all the ones I have in my possession are the only ones I've ever had.” Pausing for a moment, she glanced at Spark, who was paddling through his area. “I'm not sure if I'd ever be used to it," she explained, seeing how much her companion enjoyed the waters, despite his inability to swim. She didn't know how long it would take her to get used to her Pichu evolving, if he ever did. Of course she figured they would find his original trainer well before then, and they would be reunited once more. If they could find her that was. "I wonder if any of my Pokemon will ever evolve."

"Of course they will," Richie responded, trying to make Sera calm down before she over thought the whole situation. "Evolution isn't exactly something that's bad." He pointed at Ryu, who simply stared at him. "Ryu and I have known each other for about a year now," Richie explained, "and I'm pretty sure that we both knew this was coming.

"The preparation isn't the hard part," Richie continued, "it's how you deal with it after it's been dealt with." Richie looked at Spark as he continued to happily paddle through the water. "Will you honestly be ready for when he evolves," Richie asked, pointing towards the electric mouse. Sera followed his gaze, frowning slightly.

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post Jan 21 2013, 01:59 PM
Post #18

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"To be honest I've never really thought about him evolving until I saw you two just now. I always figured that he wouldn't evolve until after he found his way back to his original owner." the girl explained, shifting slightly in her seat as she thought more about it. Perhaps she wasn't ready for any of her Pokemon evolving. After all, she hadn't been together with her team for that long. Maybe she wouldn't get to experience the joy of the change for quite some time

Richie sighed as he prepared himself to get out of the water, standing up and grabbing the towel quickly before Sera noticed anything. Wrapping it around his waist, Richie stepped out of the water, soon followed by Ryu.

Sera blinked at his sudden silence, wondering if it was something she said that caused him to leave. She glanced over at Spark, who was still swimming around happily. "I wonder if it was something I said..." she muttered to herself, waiting until Richie left to pick up Spark, climbing out of the hot spring and toweling off.

Quickly putting on his clothes, Richie immediately looked around to make sure Sera wasn't coming. With only his shirt missing, Richie walked back around the corner, drying off his hair as he did so. Without a moment's notice, Richie walked smack into Sera, making him fall to the ground in embarrassment.

Sera had been drying off, getting ready to go back and get changed when she felt Richie bump into her. She jumped forward in slight surprise, before glancing over at him, offering a hand. "Sorry. Here, let me help you up." she offered. Meanwhile Spark was struggling to free himself from the rubber tube that had been keeping him afloat in the water.

Looking at Sera's hand for a brief moment, Richie finally smiled, grasping her hand within his own. After he finally got back up, Richie put on his shirt and fixed it accordingly. "Ready to go?" he asked as he blushed from being so clumsy.

"Of course! Just let me go get my things." she replied, making her way back over toward the change room she had used. Spark had finally yanked himself free from the small tube that had held him, quickly hurrying after his trainer. She did not take long, only needing to get the things that were held in the locker and get changed. Neither of which took more than five minutes, as Tayva soon returned with her belongings and her Pokemon, hair still somewhat damp from the lack of a proper drying. "Alright, now I'm ready." she grinned. The free spa treatment had been great, but it gave her a lot to think about. Perhaps more than someone who had hoped to be carefree would care for.

With everything finally packed up and back into place, Richie put on his shirt, revealing quite a few water spots that he had missed from a lack of drying off properly. Sighing deeply, he put his jacket over it, walking along side both Ryu and Sera. "So," he began to ask while he stared at Sera. "Where to now?" After asking this question, Richie began to take the time out to admire Sera. Her beauty truly began to astound him, even after all the time they spent together. From when they first met, to when he protected her from Ramirez, and even now. Richie saw Sera differently than when they first met each other. She was truly beautiful in his eyes. Am I falling in love with her, he asked himself after staring in a dazed state. No way, I can't be. I gotta be going crazy right now.

"Well, I would like to get a chance to let my team break in those new moves they learned." Sera suggested, looking down at Spark, who was following alongside his trainer's feet happily. He looked much healthier than he had ever been, having had the best time relaxing in the spa. Sera carefully scooped him up into her arms, unaware of the thoughts running through Richie's head. All she could think of was how to strengthen her Pokemon with their new moves.

Snapping back into reality, Richie only caught the last half of Sera's entire sentence. "Oh, okay," he responded, not even knowing what he agreed to, "I'll help you out with that."

"Great! Shall we head to the park then? There'll be more room out there to get started." Sera suggested. It was her first choice, being the place she had always went to train with her team upon first arriving in the city. It was the one area she knew better than anywhere else, and it would be good to get some fresh air at the same time

"Yeah," Richie responded, thinking more about the alone time he was going to be receiving from her instead of the actual request. After walking out of the spa for about ten seconds, Richie finally realized what he agreed to. Without any conscious thinking, Richie agreed to go to the park to help her Pokemon train.

"Should we drive there? It'd be a lot quicker than walking, and we could probably do something after." Sera suggested with a grin, watching as Richie and his Lucario followed her out of the spa (the former seeming almost distracted by something), and back out toward the entrance that they had taken into the building.

"Yeah. we should," Richie responded sincerely as they walked to the car and got inside. "All I really need are directions and I'll get us there." Buckling himself in, Richie adjusts the seat belt for Ryu, who was now too big to be so low on him. Ryu, who knew this was a slight problem, simply sighed in distress as he watched his master fix things for him.

Having made their way out to the parking lot once more, Sera waited outside of the vehicle until Richie finished adjusting the back seat for his Lucario, not wanting to get in the way of things. Once secured, both the girl and her Pichu hopped in, the small electric mouse looking up at his seat mate, realizing the new size difference with a feeling of intimidation.

This post has been edited by Protoman: Jan 23 2013, 02:50 AM


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Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
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Uprising Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Sera Taisa - Uprising Wiki
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post Jan 23 2013, 02:47 AM
Post #19

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Uprising Pokemon

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Looking down at Spark and noticing quite a problem, Ryu flashed a large smile, patting the Pichu lightly on his head, trying to give him reassurance. Ryu knew he looked a little different than what he used to...well more like a lot different. Still he was the same fun loving Ryu that everyone knew from the beginning. He just got taller, had pointy ears, and was stronger than before. Plus, he could understand what his master was saying perfectly. He heard Richie's conversation with Sera in full and understood what they were talking about. He wasn't going to be able to do the whole training thing this time unless he held back all of his new found power.

The Pichu's gaze turned upward toward Ryu, who had patted his head, before grinning. Despite the human-like interaction the Lucario had offered, Spark seemed more than happy to receive the attention, likely because he was still rather young. "Do you think Ryu will be able to practice like last time?" Sera asked Richie as she began to point out the difference places to turn, wanting her team to have a fighting chance. This wasn't meant to be a serious battle anyways, more of a test run of their new attacks.

"I doubt it," Richie responded, "since he's become a lot stronger and all." Looking at his companion made him feel a little concerned about the rest of his team's reactions to Ryu's evolution. He was sure that Spunky wouldn't care either way. He just hoped that Snap didn't attack Ryu the moment he set his eyes onto him.

"Well, I suppose training doesn't necessarily have to involve battling. "When I did it on my own, I always did things like running laps with my Pokemon, practicing blocks, attacks, accuracy, stuff like that. It might not have been as efficient, but it was just as good to me. Plus it helped me get even closer to my friends." Sera reminisced, looking out the window with a smile, remembering the days of being so naive

"Sounds like a barrel of laughs," Richie stated, following each direction that Sera gave him to the park until they finally made it there. Richie placed the car in park and got out of it to open Sera and Ryu's doors respectively. After opening Ryu's door, Richie reached to unbuckle his seat belt, but realized that he had unbuckled his own. He then soon walked towards Sera's door to do the same.

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post Jan 23 2013, 11:09 AM
Post #20

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Sera had already unbuckled her seat belt in anticipation of their arrival, turning in her seat to help Spark with his own. Once finally freed the small mouse Pokemon jumped from his seat onto the shoulder of his trainer, peering out into the always-familiar park. While she did not need him to unbuckle her seat belt, she did allow him to open the door for her, and as he did so she thanked him before jumping out, glancing around quickly.

The place never seemed to change to her, with normally at least a couple of people relaxing or hanging out. Not normally enough to hinder any chance at practice, so it was always an ideal place for her to be. Taking a few steps forward, she reached into her pocket to retrieve two of her Pokeballs, which still contained the rest of her team. Certain that they had recovered from the ordeal of the Technical Machine, she tossed them forward, releasing the two onto the fresh grass before her.

With her Charmander and Dratini freed from their Pokeballs, Spark raced over to go greet them, not having seen them since the mall. The trainer watched with a smile as the enthusiastic Pichu greeted the rest of his team, before challenging Cinder to a game of tag, which took them across the park. Meanwhile Ryu seemed uninterested in the game, instead slithering off toward the pond that was nestled in by a few trees. Giving one last look toward her trainer (to know that she would be aware of where she had gone), the Dratini proceeded to slip into the water, and vanish from sight until needed.

"Well, this is it." Sera replied, looking out at the quiet surroundings, before turning back to Richie with a small grin. "I always came here before to do some training, or even just let my Pokemon play. It's usually a safe place for them to be out, so I wouldn't worry too much." she explained, taking another glance out at her two playing Pokemon. Apparently Cinder had caught up to the quick Pichu, and was making his way back over toward the two as Spark gave him chase. Sera waved them over, the two pausing their game to see what it was she needed.

Tayva squatted down on her knees, looking over at the two with a smile. "We're going to practice using the moves you both learned earlier." she explained to the two, before standing at full height. She brought her finger and thumb to her lips, and let out a whistle. Ryu emerged from the waters, making her way back over toward the other two, and as she arrived Sera explained the same thing to the dragon Pokemon.

"You're more than happy to join in on the training if you want." she offered Richie, her three Pokemon still waiting at attention to their trainer's instructions.


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PANE RP Character profile: Tikal Faylen: @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 17 : @ lv. 18
Uprising RP Character profile: Sera Taisa: @ lv. 20 : @ lv. 18 : @ lv. 18
PANE Character Progress- - - - - - - - - - - Tikal Faylen - Furoh Wiki
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