A Purloining in Petropolis |
Jul 15 2013, 02:24 AM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
OOC (click to show ) Aaron's smile was beaming ear to ear as he stepped into the trainer box at the far end of the battle field. His new acquaintance Zack was stationed at the other side of the white-painted box, a dry and dirty field spread between them. The oddly-clad old man Angus took the position of referee on the side of the field. "This guy is just full of surprises" Aaron slyly thought to himself. He still could not wrap his head around how a seemingly ancient old guy was expecting to start being a pokemon trainer now. A short young girl had even tried to pester Angus about the rarity of his flying Pikachu, a question Angus had answered in depth. Something about a gift from his grandson, hatched from an egg, yadda yadda yadda. You know, a real sap story. Aaron didn't really want to hear any of that. Any person who needs to wait until their hair is balding to become a pokemon trainer probably means they really weren't cut out for the profession in the first place. Aaron didn't think this to be an elitist or anything, it was just the truth. Aaron had spent enough time training with old, conservative adults at the Violet City Gym to know that training pokemon was an activity for young people, not old farts. They just could never keep up--it was that simple. Angus waved his hands so as to herald in the official beginning of this oh-so unofficial match. "Go Loki!" Aaron called as he threw his first pokeball onto the field, making contact with the ground in a bright flash of white light. Onlookers heard the pokemon before they saw it, a low buzzing hum emanating from its relentlessly flapping translucent wings. It was a moderately large orange and green bug with two black, beady eyes. Every few seconds it shifted its position very quickly, never able to seemingly stay focused or in place for more than a few moments at a time. Loki had a lot of energy--he had been cooped up in his pokeball for far too long. It was clear to Loki that Grayson was Aaron's favorite--they had been through to much together after all--but Loki was hoping that this battle would change things and Aaron would start to use him more frequently. As Zach summoned his pokemon to the field in a similar fashion, a small brown and blue pokemon appeared. Although Aaron's knowledge of flying pokemon was quite extensive, his expertise on basically everything else was sort of shoddy. As soon as he deemed his pokemon ready, Aaron pointed his index finger straight at Zach's pokemon. "Alright Loki, let's get this started shall we. Start with Quick Attack!" Aaron commanded. Loki, after flitting around back and forth rather impatiently, jumped at the bit to finally get started. He took off as fast as he could muster, leaving a white trail of energy with silver streaks behind him as he flew straight towards the Drilbur. -------------------- |
Jul 15 2013, 08:08 PM
A.k.a CC or Captain. Group: Members Posts: 566 Joined: 13-April 09 From: Oxfordshire, England Member No.: 10 944 Zack Aiza's Team |
The Petropolis Grand Invitational was over, and Zack had no idea what to do. The experiences of the event had been brilliant, and he had found a friend in Aaron Zephyr. But now, Zack was at a bit of a loss. What should he do now? Where should he go? His Pokemon journey had finally started, but the young man was still struggling for direction.
Zack, buddy, he thought to himself. Think of that later. Right now, you have a battle to fight. Zack's attention returned to the present, and he glanced opposite him. Angus, the old scientist who wanted to become a trainer, had somehow managed to reserve a small battlefield for Zack and Aaron. It had all started back when Zack and Aaron had met. Angus had asked to see a battle. Things had gotten confused and the events of the Invitational had unfolded after that, stopping the two from battling. After the Invitational was over, Zack and Aaron spent a night in a tent. The morning after, Angus had somehow found the two trainers. He still wanted to see a battle. The two had agreed, and that was why they were now facing eachother. "Go, Loki!" Aaron cried as he released his first Pokemon, a Yanma. It was quite a loud Pokemon, and it certainly looked ready for battle. Zack was going to have difficulty against it, that was sure. Zack knew who his first choice would be: Arthur. Aaron had yet to see Zack's Drilbur, because by pure chance, he had only been out of his Pokeball when the trainer hadn't been around. Zack knew that Arthur would be ready to fight. "Come on out, Arthur!" Zack said as he threw the Pokeball. Arthur came out with a flash, a mischievous smile present on his face. Arthur loved playing pranks. Generally speaking, he was much more focused when it came to battling, though, and would fight seriously, so Zack was hopeful that he would behave himself. He was about to warn his Drilbur about this when Aaron called the first move, a Quick Attack. The Yanma raced at Arthur with insane velocity. "Arthur, dodge underground and use Fury Swipes!" said Zack. Arthur nodded, and rapidly dug a hole underground. Aaron's Yanma flew right past the spot where Arthur had been amillisecond earlier. Arthur resurfaced right next to the Yanma, and launched himself at the Dragonfly Pokemon, his claws outstretched. "Dodge it, Loki!" ordered Aaron, and the Yanma was more than happy to comply. It expertly dodged the attack, and Arthur had to right himself from hurting himself by falling. He did so, and both Pokemon looked at eachother, determination in their eyes. OOC (click to show )
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Jul 16 2013, 03:18 AM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
Aaron was disappointed that he had missed his intended target. Of course the ground type would drill underground to avoid a flying pokemon--it was Arthur's natural defense after all.
Loki dodged the Drilbur's swipes with ease, simply flying up and way from the mole as it fell back down to the earth. As soon as Loki had dodged this moment, Aaron noticed something odd about his Yanma. For a split second, it had seemed to glow a bright, effervescent green color, only to fade immediately. Aaron could swear that his Yanma's nervous and constant flitting around from place to place had gotten faster. "Loki, use Quick Attack again!" Aaron commanded, figuring the flashing light meant something good was happening. This time as Loki speedily took off toward the mole pokemon the trail of light gathering behind the bug was not only white with silver streaks, but now sparks of green flew off the trail, seeming to spur the pokemon on much faster than it had previously. Arthur, expecting the same attack, planned to dodge Loki's physical attack the same way he had the first. However, because of the speed boost it was receiving, the mole pokemon did not have adequate time to react, and paid the price for it by being knocked back a few body lengths. "Try to slow that thing down, use Mud-Slap!" Zack tried, but it was no use. After that second quick attack, Loki was even faster than before and effortlessly flitted away from the incoming hurls of mud. "Nice Loki, let's try it one more time--quick attack!" Aaron commanded after watching his pokemon very briefly grow green again. This time when Loki took off in pursuit of Arthur, the trail behind him had turned completely green--much too fast for Drilbur to react quickly enough to dig underground. Loki sent the Dilbur packing even farther this time, almost to Zack's feet. It most certainly couldn't take another hit from Yanma, but Aaron did not even dream of stopping this combo of speed boost and quick attack considering how well it was going. Before Aaron even said anything, Loki took off after Arthur, leaving the same green trail behind him. "Arthur, rapid spin!" Zack commanded quickly, hoping that a defensive maneuver would be able to buy him and his pokemon time to think. Arthur began twirling in a cone formation, with his drills pointed upwards so as to discourage and damage Yanma during its attack. Before Aaron could even tell Yanma to pull back, Yanma charged even faster, knocking directly into Arthur's trap and making direct contact with his spinning drills. Although Zack's quick thinking had left a mark on Yanma, Drilbur was sent packing, out of the battle field and out of commission. As Zack returned Arthur and thanked him for a job well done, he turned to the flying bug pokemon. It was flitting back and forth so quickly at this point that it appeared as if it were teleporting incessantly. "None of my pokemon can outspeed that pokemon" Zack reasoned to himself "but it surely can't keep this routine up forever..." "Go Kodo!" Zack cried as he threw his next poke ball onto the field. He most certainly hoped that this pokemon would fare better than his last. -------------------- |
Jul 16 2013, 12:41 PM
A.k.a CC or Captain. Group: Members Posts: 566 Joined: 13-April 09 From: Oxfordshire, England Member No.: 10 944 Zack Aiza's Team |
The combination of Quick Attack with Loki's increasing speed proved deadly. It wasn't long before Arthur was knocked out by this barrage of hits. Zack sighed slightly. Of course it was a little annoying to lose. But he didn't mind all that much. The battle had taught him some extremely valuable insights into how to fight a Yanma, and also how Arthur's technique could be improved.
"Good job, buddy" said Zack to Arthur's Pokeball as he returned the Drilbur. Zack thought to himself. There was very little that would be able to outspeed Loki. The Yanma buzzed around in the air, never staying in the same spot, not once. It was quite dizzying to watch it. Zack would obviously need different tactics to the ones he had employed with Arthur to win this matchup. Speed and Power weren't good ideas. That meant that he only really had one choice. Olympus was far too aggressive to play the defensive game. Torchics as a species were comparably pretty frail anyway. So Zack decided instead on his other Pokemon. Sure, Loki was insanely fast, but it couldn't sustain the hard exterior of an Aron for long. "Go, Kodo!" Zack cried as he threw the Aron's Pokeball. Out Kodo came. As always, he cowered ever so slightly on being released, obviously feeling shy and diminutive, as he often did. However, the Aron soon adjusted himself to the circumstances of the battle. He straightened himself out and stood alert, waiting for orders from Zack. "Loki, use Quick Attack!" ordered Aaron. Evidently, he was using the same tactic as he had previously done. The Yanma zoomed towards Kodo at insane speed. "Kodo, use Harden!" Zack cried. The Aron responded, tucking himself into his shell-like body, which shined as the Aron used Harden. Loki kept going and hit Kodo. The Aron skidded back a little, but it was clear that Loki had taken the most damage. The hardened shell of an Aron hurt a lot if you hit it hard. Zack was expecting a change of tactics from Aaron. However, the young man seemed to think that Quick Attack was still the best choice, because he ordered Loki to perform it again. Once again, the Yanma charged at Kodo, and once again, the Aron's hardened body deflected most of the hit. The same strategy for both trainers kept going for quite some time, Aaron determined that hitting hard and fast was the way to victory, Zack holding up a rigid wall to the relentless offence. Eventually, it got to a stage where both trainers and both Pokemon were looking very tired. Loki had slowed considerably and looked quite bruised. Kodo's hard body was littered with tiny dents where the Yanma had hit him. Aaron seemed to hesitate for a second at this stage. Was this strategy really the best one? Zack didn't give him the time to decide. He wanted this round to be over. "Kodo, use Headbutt!" The Aron ducked his head immediately and charged at Loki. The Yanma, tired at the battle, and shocked at the sudden action, had no chance. Kodo slammed into him, and Loki feel to the ground, knocked out. Zack sighed a sigh of relief, but quickly focused his mind. That had been intense, but he knew that Grayson was Aaron's next combattant, and that Gligar was tough. If Zack wanted to win, he would have to think strategically. -------------------- |
Jul 16 2013, 03:04 PM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
"Great job Loki" Aaron smiled at the poke ball in his hand. The little bugger really had exceeded all of his expectations, and his ability had turned out to be pretty nifty too. Still, the Aron was a tough nut to crack. Loki had given it a run for its money, but Grayson didn't have any type coverage on steel pokemon.
"It's not like I have any other options.." Aaron jokingly thought to himself. "Go Grayson!" In a flash of bright white light, a large pink and blue bat appeared on the battlefield. Licking his lips, Grayson was eager to finally be fighting. "Poison won't work on Aaron, so let's start out with sand-attack!" Aaron commanded. Using his pincers, Gligar immediately shot a barrage of sand right into the Aron's eyes, scoring a direct hit and blinding it temporarily. "Counter with mud slap Kodo!" Zack called out. Still not being able to see, the Aron splashed up mud where he had last seen Grayson, hoping to hit the flying bat, but it was no use. Grayson had already gleefully taken off to the skies, and was heading in for a direct attack. "Alright Grayson, Aerial Ace!" Aaron called. Grayson swooped down from his relaxed air-glide into a stunning dive, his body engulfed in a white glow as it descended. Kodo, blinded and not knowing which direction the attack was coming from, defensively ducked down and hardened, hoping to wear out Grayson like it had Loki. Grayson took note of this defensive maneuver and immediately switched tactics. As Grayson was nearing the Aron's hear shell, he vanished momentarily, only to reappear on the iron armor pokemon's side, slamming into the underside of the Aron's hard shell, sending it flying. Grayson was ready for another Aerial Ace, but it seemed as if the round was over prematurely. Kodo has landed on its back, the spike on its shell buried deeply into the dirt. Kodo whimpered and flailed its four limbs, struggling as best it could to get up, but it's spike was so far impacted into the ground that there really wasn't any hope for it. Unable to battle any further, Zack sheepishly returned his pokemon back to its ball. "Well that went better than expected, great job Grayson!" Aaron cheered. Grayson looked back at his trainer and gave him his signature wink and tongue on the side of it's mouth look. Gligar and Aaron had been cooped up in the Violet City Gym for much too long, they were just happy to be seeing some real action. -------------------- |
Jul 17 2013, 04:51 PM
Guess who's back? Group: Members Posts: 1 665 Joined: 24-July 12 From: Vlaanderen Member No.: 168 546 Jill Cortoma |
As the battle had taken a surprise ending Jill stood up from her seat, her small Poochyena companion had jumped upon the edge of the spectator's tribune. She sighed and started walking as Axis the Poochyena seemingly walking at the same pace as its master, tried to keep its balance. This match had been a spectacle to watch, until the last match-up against the Gligar and the Aron had taken a sudden turn, literally this time. There was no honor nor fun in winning a battle in which the winner was declared due to the inability of your opponent to get back on its feet. If it was Ko'd or incapable of fighting due to a status-change sure, but not because it couldn't get back up after landing on its back.
Axis noticed her master's frown and tried to nudge Jill's arm, which miserably failed as she toppled over. Jill swiftly caught her, putting her on the spectator's seats so it could walk freely without falling over again. "Did you pay attention to their fighting styles Axis?" she asked while walking on. The Poochyena wagged its tail and barked happily at her master, who looked back at her and smiled. Axis jumped from chair to chair, slipping every now and then. Jill saw her best friend playfully jumping and couldn't manage to hide a smile. It had been a while since she and Axis had last battled, their last time being against Sebastian West back in Port Barley. They'd become friends and rivals, so she was bound to get better. Her strategy was to first watch several battles in which she didn't participate, making Axis watch with her so the small pooch would learn something too. Her second pokémon, her late brother's Chimchar Vex, had already learnt enough about strategy under her brother's tutelage so he wasn't in need of this special 'training'. Her small, hotheaded partner Axis however, was. After she'd participated in the Grand Invitational she decided to stick around Petropolis for a while, she'd heard there were some Caves close-by which would probably hold some fine archaeological treasures. So when wandering around town she'd heard an old man talking to two youngsters that he still wanted to see them fight, seeing this as the perfect opportunity to start her special training she'd followed the trio from a safe distance. Watching their entire battle cross-legged she had to refrain herself from shouting warnings several times, but overall Jill'd been happy with what she'd seen. Except for the poor Aron. That the Gligar's trainer had already called it quits without giving the Aron a chance to get up, she just couldn't get it. "Ah well, we've seen enough here for now. Let's head back, dear." Jill walked through the spectator's exit, leaving the two combatants behind her. She hoped none of them had seen her and if they had, that they hadn't seen her irritated look. Finding out that not everyone could appreciate her way of thinking; that pokémon battles and forming bonds with pokémon were to be seen as 'noble' and 'honorable' instead of just being 'fun'. Probably due to her brother's death she'd taken on this philosophy, and she wasn't the only one in the world harboring the same thoughts, she was sure about it. And if she was the only one with these thoughts then..., well, the world would be inhabited by unhonorable and idiots without any moral. That being said, or rather thought, Jill walked up the busy streets of Petropolis. Her attention was caught by the conversations some people nearby were having. Eavesdropping wasn't something she'd liked to do but, what happens happens and cannot be undone. Thus the parts she heard rather clearly as she walked past them slowly, though 'slow-motion' could've been a more appropriate term than 'slow', bothered her. Again someone was robbed by a shady group of people on broad daylight in the middle of the street, they got away before that person could've managed to utter a word. This wasn't the first time she heard about such crimes since she arrived in Petropolis, and many times she'd heard the name 'Team Deception' drop during such conversations. Axis, who had taken her usual spot on Jill's shoulder, looked at Jill with bright eyes. "Who or what is this Team Deception anyway?" she muttered lost in thoughts as she wandered towards the main street. This post has been edited by Aura Dynasty: Aug 4 2013, 04:54 PM -------------------- My body... is made out of swords. Iron is my blood and glass is my heart. I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated. Not once have I retreated, Nor once have I been understood. Always alone.... On the hill of swords... intoxicated by victory... Thus, this life has no meaning... This body...surely was... Made out of blades. PANE (click to show ) Uprising (click to show ) |
Jul 31 2013, 06:57 AM
Hunter from ZapdosZulu Group: Members Posts: 723 Joined: 30-March 09 From: Australia Member No.: 6 681 Sebastian West |
Ever since the incident in the Unova Region that Sebastian had clearly caused, the fiery haired young adult's life had been like a rollercoaster. After arriving in the Furoh Region with two partners in crime in the form of Blade the Scyther and Sparky the Blitzle, two pokemon that the Mistralton City native had stolen on the midnight cruise to the Furoh Region. It turned out that to survive in the Furoh Region that Sebastian would have to change his criminal ways, or at least to a degree. After a hectic first day in the Furoh Region that involved meeting a frenemy in Jill Cortoma, catching a new pokemon in Jaws the Totodile, beating up some villanous goons and finally closing the day out with a closely fought battle with Jill and her pokemon.
It had been by chance that Sebastian had overheard some strangers in Port Barley talking about treasure hunting in a place called Petropolis. Insanatly the lure of gold and riches was a major motive for Sebastian to make his way towards the place known as Petropolis. Being a complete stranger in the Furoh Region without many supplies left Sebastian with slim chance of having any idea which way to go to reach Petropolis, so Sebastian decided to sneakily follow the two guys that been talking about Petropolois, he had no idea if that was where they were going but he was surely hoping that their destination was Petropolis. Luckily for Sebastian the long trek from Port Barley payed off as he arrived in Petropolis. Sebastian's life was a rollercoaster, that was for sure. After arriving in Petropolis a nearby old man approached the fiery haired young adult with an offer to good to refuse. "You there boy! Is that your Blitzle?" Sebastian looked towards the old man who had wrinkles all over his body, age had set in on him well. Surprised more then anything Sebastian raised his eyebrows towards the old man and sarcastically answered him, "Well I'm the only one arround, so what do you think fool!" The old man shook his head towards Sebastian, the young adult's rotten attitude didn't attract many folowers. "Treat your elders with a bit more respect next time boy!" Sebastian was eager to head to the caves to search for treasure that were near Petropolis, at the moment all he was doing was wasting time. "What do you want old man!?" The old man grabbed two pokeballs out of his pockets in his ragged tracksuit pants and released two pokemon out of their pokeballs. The two pokemon that the old man had released were a Magby and an Elekid. With his free hand the old man pointed towards Sparky the Blitzle before answering Sebastian's question. "Blitzle's are rare around these parts. I myself want one. I'm sure you've already formed a bond with this particular one and won't let me take it off your hands so easily, but I belive I have a solution. What do you think about I trade my Magby and Elekid for your Blitzle. A two for one deal!" Sebastian looked down at Magby and Elekid as he weighed up the option that the old man had just proposed to him. Not only would Sebastian get another electric type pokemon in return but he would also get a fire type to top the deal off. "Oh! I forgot to mention. Both Elekid and Magby have the Egg Move Karate Chop. Recently I've been teaching Magby the move Dual Chop, and Elekid Dual Chop and Ice Punch. Think this offer through boy!" Sebastian was deep in throught as he contemplated whether taking the offer was the right thing to do. After quite an amount of time the fiery haired young adult had made his decision, "Alright. You've got a deal!" Sebastian reached into his pocket as he grabbed out Sparky's pokeball and passed it to the old man in exchange for Magby and Elekid's pokeballs. Finally Sebastian and the old man shook hands to secure the deal before they parted ways. Sebastian was excited to test out Magby and Elekid's skill set soon enough, but his main priority was to go treasure hunting in Petropolis' caves. Whilst the trade between Sebastian and the old man had been going on Blade had been watching a battle nearby and trying to emulate the move known as 'X-Scissor' that the pokemon was using, it was going to take time and practice before the move was perfected. Sebastian didn't acknowledge Sparky after trading him off to the old man as he made his way into Petropolis' inner city, and by the look of it a battle was nearing it's end between a Gligar and an Aron. Maybe Sebastian was dellusional, but he could have sworn that he noticed a blonde haired girl that looked strikingly familiar to Jill Cortoma, the gilr he had met in Port Barley. This post has been edited by Hydra: Jul 31 2013, 07:08 AM -------------------- |
Aug 3 2013, 06:26 PM
A.k.a CC or Captain. Group: Members Posts: 566 Joined: 13-April 09 From: Oxfordshire, England Member No.: 10 944 Zack Aiza's Team |
Zack knew fully well that it was Grayson who was coming up, but there was little that could prepare you for that Gligar of Aaron's. He and his trainer were firm friends and they battled totally in synch. Zack therefore wasn't surprised that Kodo, who was already weak from his encounter with Loki, was left unable to battle by Aaron's attacks.
However, being left unable to battle because one physically couldn't stand up was a big surprise, albeit an embarrassing one. Zack sighed inwardly and smiled sheepishly as he withdrew his Aron. That wasn't how he wanted things to go. He couldn't help but find the sight of Kodo wriggling around humorous, though, so at least there was that. Zack only had one option left, and he wasted no time in using it. "Go, Olympus!" he cried, throwing his last Pokeball. Olympus looked absolutely delighted to be out of his Pokeball. The Torchic jumped up and down animatedly. He then had something of a double-take as he realised that there was a battle going on. Once he did, his expression changed and he looked at Grayson fiercely, narrowing his eyes. He was ready to battle. "Olympus, start off with Ember!" ordered Zack. The Torchic puffed out his cheeks and let loose a torrent of flames that shot at Grayson. Aaron was ready, however. "Grayson, use Sand-attack and then Harden!" shouted Aaron. The Gligar sprayed Sand upwards and followed up with an immediate Harden attack. The sand obscured the Gligar and the Harden protected the blow of the Ember to a degree. The attack was dramatically reduced in power. Zack had to admit, he was quite impressed by the move from Aaron. The sand made it very hard hard for the attacker to see where they were aiming, and even if they did hit, the increased defence was enough to soften a substantial amount of damage. Zack would have to think of a different strategy. "Olympus, Focus Energy and then Scratch!" "Grayson, Sand-Attack and Harden!" Olympus focused, thinking inwardly, gathering his energy. Zack figured that concentrating on his target would at least make Olympus's attacks more likely to hit. He didn't have many other options anyway really. Olympus was fairly under-levelled and as such he was a little limited in the moves he could use. Grayson sent up another layer of sand and hardened his skin. Olympus charged at the Gligar, and jumped as he reached him, clawing at him with his feet. The move hit, but barely penetrated Grayson's hardened skin. It was more damage to the Gligar, but he was clearly not very affected by the move. The battle continued in the same rhythm, with Olympus firing Ember or charging at Grayson with Scratch, and the Gligar throwing up sand and hardening his skin. Most of Olympus's attacks hit their mark, but he was tiring, and that combined with the increasing defence of Grayson meant that his attacks did less and less damage. Eventually, Aaron seemed to get bored of the unchanging nature of the battle and switched strategy. "Grayson, use Sand-Attack and then Poison Sting!" The Gligar threw up more sand, but this time it was at Olympus. As soon as the sand was in the air, he followed up with the Poison Sting, firing poisonous darts at lightning speed. The attack proved to be deadly. The Sand blocked Olympus's view, meaning that avoiding the Poison Sting was nigh on impossible. The darts shot into Olympus, who cringed noticeably at the hit. Fortunately, that seemed to be the worst of the attack, but it hit the Torchic hard. He was resilient, though, and managed to struggle back to his feet. Unfortunately for Zack and Olympus, that act was the last thing Olympus did before he lost consciousness. Grayson came swooping in with one of the fastest Aerial Ace attacks Zack had ever seen. Zack had been so engrossed in Olympus's struggle that he hadn't even heard Aaron's command. Olympus fell over, fainted. Zack recalled his Torchic. "You did great, buddy," he said quietly to his Pokeball. Zack then got off his podium and walked across the battlefield. He met Aaron in the middle, and the two of them shook hands. "Thanks, man," said Zack, with a relaxed smile. "That was fun! Even if I did get my ass handed to me a lil' bit." Zack's words were genuine. He didn't care about the battle. He was expecting to lose, and he was totally cool with it. The experience for his Pokemon had been very useful, and finally getting to battle his newfound friend Aaron had been fun. Some of the tactics that the guy had employed had been really cool. It was all a great experience for the young trainer, and he was still learning, after all. This post has been edited by Captain Combusken: Aug 3 2013, 06:35 PM -------------------- |
Aug 4 2013, 05:58 PM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
Aaron was really pleased with Grayson's performance. Although he certainly could have ended the Torchic's battle at any minute, he was interested in seeing how well Grayson's defenses could hold up, and they did not disappoint. It would appear as if their many years of training in the Violet City gym were not all gone to waste--in fact, their usefulness had exceeded all of Aaron's expectations.
Before Aaron could negate Zack's semi-defeatist declaration, Angus unexpectedly budged up close next to the two trainers, his walker being the only thing separating him from actually touching them. "That was wonderful, simply splendid!" he began in a much louder voice than was necessary, especially considering how close they were in proximity. While the old man gushed about the battling capabilities and feats of the trainers and their pokemon with an air of bewilderment in his voice (and showered the two of them with his saliva in the process), Aaron couldn't take his eyes off of the Emolga perched on top of the old man's shoulder. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the little squirrel as it stared almost longingly at Aaron and his Gligar, similarly perched on the trainer's shoulder. It was a young pokemon, Aaron was sure of that, and to be stuck with a geriatric man just starting to be a trainer seemed like a real shame to Aaron. "...you would like it if I treated the both of you to dinner? For your troubles, ye--?" "No no, that's alright, we already have training plans and are running late as it is. Thanks anyway though--nice meeting you!" Aaron cut off the man and pulled Zack along, power-walking walking hurriedly away from the battlefield. It was a combination of anger and annoyance that propelled Aaron to cut their conversation short; annoyance that the man was talking at 20 words a minute and that he showed no sign of stopping, and anger with what that young Emolga had to deal with. Once they were a considerable distance away Aaron turned to Zack. "Sorry about that, he just really rubbed me the wrong way. In any case, it was a great battle--you have a pretty fantastic team of pokemon," he explained sincerely. "I was actually thinking about heading over to the caves on the outskirts of town. The item I needed was way to expensive at that rare items stall, and I think I might be able to find it in a cave if I look hard enough. Would you care to join?" Aaron really hoped Zack would say yes. He was tired of traveling alone, and could really use a friend right now. -------------------- |
Aug 4 2013, 08:16 PM
Guess who's back? Group: Members Posts: 1 665 Joined: 24-July 12 From: Vlaanderen Member No.: 168 546 Jill Cortoma |
Jill had made a hobby out of drawing, thus it was only natural that she was drawn to a stand with some beautiful portraits of different pokémon. The table itself was filled with sketches, little wooden statues, ink-drawings, some regular paintings and even a picture of an Eevee on a Houndoom's back, drawn in a grassy field. The beautifully drawn scenery was breath-taking, as if the creator had been able to catch the blowing wind and depict it on the small stone plate on which it was drawn. A boy noticed the interested look in her eyes and tapper her on the shoulder. Jill made a 90° turn to have a better look at the one tapping on her shoulder and saw a young boy, approximately seven or eight years old, with unruly hair, a red shirt, kaki shorts and heavenly blue eyes looking at her. She could see her own emerald eyes flicker in his, which almost hypnotized her, until the boy snapped her out of it by talking.
"This is the first time you see such a Chalk-drawing, huh Miss?" His soft voice perfectly fitting his appearance, as he looked at her in a heart-melting kind of way. Jill couldn't help but to blush a little and looked back at the chalk-drawing, only being able to nod softly, agreeing with the young boy's statement. A small silence fell between the two, though it was a rather pleasant silence, as both now looked at the drawing. After a minute or two, which had seemed an eternity, Jill finally found the courage to face the boy with the certainty that her voice wasn't going to crack when speaking to him. "Indeed, this is the first time I've ever seen such a display of wondrous art. You know who made it?" She'd seen a small hand-carved wooden plate in the middle of the table, saying 'Everything is hand-made.', and now she was very curious at who had made it. Numerous questions already rushed through her head as she noticed the boy hadn't answered yet. She looked at the boy, who's head now had turned entirely red. He made a small gesture as to say that he'd made the small display of art. Jill was stunned. If this boy had made this, he was more than just a natural, he'd be the next Smeargleangelo! Not sure as to why the boy was so shy about admitting it, Jill kneeled in front of the boy, laying her hand on his shoulder. "This is a really beautiful drawing,..." she made a small gesture with her eyes,as to ask for his name. "Leo..." the young boy silently whispered. "Leo. Well Leo, this..., this is... I can't even find the right words to express how beautiful I find this! If you are willing to, can I buy it from you?" The boy looked at her, shocked, with widened eyes. He shook his head and then looked back at the painting, then back at Jill, before running away and disappearing behind the table. Jill stood there, gazing at the painting, than back at the entrance behind the table after which Leo had disappeared. Axis, who'd followed everything from atop of Jill's shoulder, tilted its head a bit to the right, as if being an Art-Critic, and examined the chalk-drawing. It then shook its head confused, looking away. All of the sudden Axis noticed something over Jill's head, something familiar. A man with spiky, fiery hair in the distance, which he recognized as Sebastian. Axis barked loudly, forgetting she stood next to Jill's ear. The loud bark in her right ear startled Jill as she backed away a few steps, rubbing her ear and then looking at Axis with eyes shooting flames. "The hell Axis?! What was that for?" Jill said as she took the puppy-dog with her hands and held the Poochyena in front of her. It ignored Jill's angry eyes and kept looking at the fiery hair, who'd now moved away a bit. Jill noticed Axis' gaze and followed the gaze with her own eyes, only seeing a tip of that spiked hair disappear between the masses in the distance. Forgetting about the painting for a minute Jill made her way towards the spot she'd seen Sebastian at a quick pace. Saying hello to an old friend never hurts now, does it? Looking around she was disappointed to see how she'd missed Sebastian by a mere second. Or she had mistaken someone else for Sebastian. "Must've been imagini-" In the corner of her eye she could see a man, clad in black, disappearing between two apple-carts. The man itself wasn't the thing that'd made her notice him, rather the way he acted. He seemed wary, as if afraid of being noticed by someone. From experience Jill knew that someone acting wary in public places never meant something good, so she held on to Axis and made a run for it, leaping between the two apple-carts and following the man into the darkness. She could only faintly hear the shouting of a young boy, calling for her as she ran on. Back at the Art-stand Leo desperately gazed into the crowd, clinging unto a small dark stone tablet. As he saw Jill disappearing between the people his eyes slowly filled with tears, his little hands still holding on tightly to the small dark tablet in his arms. This post has been edited by Aura Dynasty: Aug 4 2013, 08:28 PM -------------------- My body... is made out of swords. Iron is my blood and glass is my heart. I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated. Not once have I retreated, Nor once have I been understood. Always alone.... On the hill of swords... intoxicated by victory... Thus, this life has no meaning... This body...surely was... Made out of blades. PANE (click to show ) Uprising (click to show ) |
Aug 6 2013, 05:47 AM
Hunter from ZapdosZulu Group: Members Posts: 723 Joined: 30-March 09 From: Australia Member No.: 6 681 Sebastian West |
A compassionate, caring trainer would likely have been distraught to trade away one of their team members due to the bond that had been formed between them, Sebastian wasn't that type of trainer though. Without thinking twice about his decision Sebastian had traded away Sparky the Blitzle to an old man in exchange for a Magby and Elekid. On his way towards the caves that lied on the outskirts of Petropolis, the fiery haired young adult had been contemplating nicknames for his new team members.
Whilst walking through Petropolis on his way towards the caves, Sebastian had noticed a battle going on between two guys. One owned a Gligar and the other an Aron, after a few moments of watching the action Sebastian became bored and surveyed the area and suddenly noticed a man clad in black hiding between two apple-carts. Sebastian's left eyebrow raised in suspicion of what the man was trying to do, but soon enough the fiery haired young adult disregarded the man clad in black as he felt that whatever he was doing was none of his business, nor did he want to waste his time in making it his business. Walking towards the caves on the outskirts of Petropolis allowed Sebastian to consciously think specifically on what he was hoping to find while venturing through the cave. Naturally the thought of selling off items like Spheres and other rare items sparked the thought of a possible cash influx for Sebastian. Besides that Sebastian had decided he was going to search for two items in particular known as an Electirizer and Magmarizer, their purpose in the future would be to allow Elekid and Magby, who would be then Electazbuzz and Magmar evolve into their final evolution stage known as Electivire and Magmortar. With a smirk on his face in excitement the fiery haired young adult made his way inside the cave. -------------------- |
Aug 11 2013, 08:01 AM
A.k.a CC or Captain. Group: Members Posts: 566 Joined: 13-April 09 From: Oxfordshire, England Member No.: 10 944 Zack Aiza's Team |
It looked as if Aaron was going to say something, but Angus, the old man with the Emolga who had wanted this battle in the first place, started talking to the two trainers, complimenting them on their great battling feats. Zack took in the praise happily. It was fun to have somebody compliment you. Zack didn't think he was quite as good as Angus was making him out to be, but he didn't complain, instead choosing calmly listened to the old man. Zack couldn't fault his enthusiasm for wanting to become a trainer, but even he, who was pretty accepting of most ideas, was puzzled at Angus's sudden decision to become a battler. He seemed to be the perfect candidate for judging battles, sure, it was clear that the man was fascinated by them. But actually partake in them? Zack somehow doubted that Angus was cut out for that. Zack himself had a long way to go before he was a strong trainer. He doubted that Angus would have the time to do the same in the amount of life he had left.
The compliments soon stopped once the old man asked the two boys if he could buy them lunch. Zack loved this idea. He didn't have much money, he was hungry and spending a little more time with Angus wasn't the worst thing in the world. But it seemed that Aaron had other ideas, because before Zack had a chance to say yes, he quickly found an excuse to leave and pulled Zack away at a rather hurried pace. The young man had no real choice but to go along with Aaron. Aaron soon let go of Zack, who carried on following. After all, he wasn't starving, and he liked Aaron. Clearly something had made him leave so quickly, so Zack respected that and just followed. After a while, Aaron stopped and turned to Zack. "Sorry about that, he just really rubbed me the wrong way. In any case, it was a great battle--you have a pretty fantastic team of Pokemon. I was actually thinking about heading over to the caves on the outskirts of town. The item I needed was way to expensive at that rare items stall, and I think I might be able to find it in a cave if I look hard enough. Would you care to join?" It didn't really explain why Aaron had been so keen to leave Angus, but Zack shrugged that off. He didn't really care. He wouldn't leave his friend to go searching in caves alone. There were more important things in life than a free meal, after all. "Thanks man, I appreciate the compliment. And yeah, sure, I'll go with you. It would be useful to know what item you're lookin' for, but yeah, I'm game. I wanna heal up these little guys first though, we can go straight after that. That ok with you?" -------------------- |
Aug 12 2013, 01:04 PM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
"Absolutely, wouldn't want to go into a cave with a group of injured pokemon!" Aaron joked as the two made their way through the doors of the pokemon center. Before Aaron could start explaining why he was looking for a Razor Claw for Grayson, he noticed a large and rowdy group of trainers all crowded around Officer Jenny. Their eyes consumed with rage, the trainers were yelling at Officer Jenny so vociferously that she couldn't get a word in edgewise. Aaron watched as she stepped up on top of a nearby table and blew her whistle with such ear-piercing ferocity that it forced the revolting trainers to not only shutup, but cover their ears to avoid any residual damage to their auditory systems.
"I understand the severity of the situation," Officer Jenny explained as calmly as possible, "and the Petropolis Police Force is doing its best to find your stolen pokemon. Know that you are not alone, and it seems that we have an epidemic of stolen pokemon on our hands. At this point, we are proceeding with our ongoing investigation, and are looking for any leads that you might have. If you could all please get in a line, I will take down your PokeGear information and be in contact with you as soon as we know anything." As soon as the she finished her speech, the silence that had taken over the Pokemon Center resumed to a disgruntled and dull roar as the trainers filed into a line. Aaron and Zack immediately made their way over to the Nurse Joy and gave her their pokeballs. Although nothing was said between them, Aaron could tell they were thinking the same thing. Those trainers did not seem like beginners--he had recognized some of them from monitors displaying participating in the city's battling tournament. This was bad news, and Aaron felt very uneasy about it. "If peoples' pokemon are getting stolen, the best thing to do might be to get out of town," he blurted, feeling the need to start a dialogue between them. "I'm sure the caves will be safer than downtown, but still, who knows." Aaron subtly tried to explain to Zack. He knew if some trainers descended on him and tried to capture Grayson and Oliver that he'd be alright--his pokemon could just fly away into hiding and be totally safe--but he wasn't so sure about Zack's, who from Aaron's point of view seemed to be prime pickings for these pokemon snatchers. "It might be better if we split up, come to think of it. Traveling in a pack makes us more of a welcome target, and since these guys mean business, I wouldn't put anything past 'em." Aaron felt bad about it letting him down, but he also didn't want to get involved in a battle with some snatchers with Zack. His beginner pokemon would be a liability, an no doubt Aaron and his pokemon at greater risk. A risk Aaron was just not willing to take. This post has been edited by The Rose Crusader: Aug 12 2013, 01:08 PM -------------------- |
Aug 15 2013, 05:06 PM
A.k.a CC or Captain. Group: Members Posts: 566 Joined: 13-April 09 From: Oxfordshire, England Member No.: 10 944 Zack Aiza's Team |
Aaron and Zack entered the Pokemon Center to what Zack could only describe as audio carnage. Angry voices yelling at the top of their lungs. A shrieking whistle that rendered the whole room to deathly silence. The booming voice of Officer Jenny. It was all a little too much to take in. Zack was so dazed by the sudden noise that he hardly heard the police officer's words. In fact, he heard just two.
"Stolen Pokemon". These two words were all it took to snap him out of his bewildered state. He turned and looked where the torrent of voices had been. He was a little shocked at what he saw. The angry trainers were all people he recognised. They had all been at the Grand Invitational. These were talented and tough trainers, and they'd had their Pokemon stolen? Zack couldn't quite believe it. Whilst Officer Jenny explained to the trainers what to do, Zack thought inwardly. Pokemon getting stolen was risky, dangerous business. Zack wasn't sure how safe he felt around Petropolis. After all, he was just starting out as a trainer. He was weaker than a lot of these people, and look what had happened to them. They'd had their Pokemon taken from them! Did he really want to risk any of his friends coming to the same fate? Zack mulled his thoughts over more as the hubbub started again and he and Aaron had their Pokemon healed. He just couldn't decide what to think. One the one hand, Zack was a tough person, and his Pokemon were also tough cookies. They could take a little rough and tumble. On the other hand, the thought of losing one of them... he couldn't bear it. And it seemed that Aaron was having exactly the same thought process. "If peoples' pokemon are getting stolen, the best thing to do might be to get out of town. I'm sure the caves will be safer than downtown, but still, who knows." Zack seriously gave this statement a thought. It was true, this could be dangerous. He didn't want to risk his Pokemon. And he trusted Aaron's judgment. If even he was having doubts about the situation, then surely leaving was the best policy! But then a part of Aaron's statement stuck in the back of Zack's mind. The Caves. That was it! The words of Zack's father rang through his ears at these words. "Son, when ya need a shelter or a hidey hole, always remember. Yer a mount'n lad, born 'n raised. Caves are yer ally. They'll offer yer sanctry." It was all so simple! Aaron and Zack needed simply to go to the caves as they had planned. Zack was confident he could keep the two of them safe there with his experience of caves (not that Aaron needed help). They could just stay there a short while, maybe find the Razor Fang Aaron wanted, and emerge again once the Pokemon had been found, and the culprits had been stopped! Easy! Zack had made his decision. "It might be better if we split up, come to think of it. Traveling in a pack makes us more of a welcome target, and since these guys mean business, I wouldn't put anything past 'em." Zack was a little surprised at Aaron's suggestion, but he had made his decision, and now he'd stick with it. His expression hardened as he replied. "Nah, man. Safety in numbers and all that, after all. Besides, we're heading to some caves. A.K.A Zack's patch. Stick with me, we'll BOTH be safe, trust me." Aaron seemed perfectly happy with Zack staying after that, so the two of them decided to get going to the caves posthaste. No use tempting fate, after all. The two went to the Pokemon Center doors, out of the Pokemon Center and away from the city, heading towards their little hidey hole until all this fuss faded away. This post has been edited by Captain Combusken: Aug 15 2013, 05:23 PM -------------------- |
Aug 15 2013, 05:32 PM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
"He's probably right," Aaron thought quietly to himself. The last time Aaron had entered a cave was when he was almost killed by one, and heading back into one now, even with his two pokemon in tow, suddenly seemed a lot more daunting than he had previously imagined.
"Sounds like a plan dude. Let's just get out of here quickly--this mob looks like it could turn any minute" he blurted as the pair left the counter of the Pokemon Center. As they headed out the door and down the road towards the caves on the outskirts of town, Aaron couldn't help but feel uneasy about the whole situation. He couldn't imagine Grayson or Oliver getting stolen from him, puzzled at exactly how the thieves had succeeded in stealing pokemon. Aaron figured that if anything remotely like an abduction were to be staged and his pokemon were in real danger, he would just return them to their pokeballs with no harm could be done. Prone to bouts of deep meditative thought, Asaron was surprised suddenly to see the caves peak over the horizon. Realizing he must have been awkwardly silent while lost in his thoughts, Aaron tried breaking the ice a bit: "Looks like the sun's headin' out pretty soon" Aaron began as the sky began to adopt a stunning hue of orange. He really must have lost track of time between their battle and all the walking they had done. "Do you think it'd be safe to spend the night in one of these caves?" Aaron queried. Caves were literally the last place Aaron ever wanted to be caught. Much preferring the open sky and plenty of air to breathe, he was beginning to recognize this was not going to be an easy night. -------------------- |
Aug 17 2013, 09:35 AM
A.k.a CC or Captain. Group: Members Posts: 566 Joined: 13-April 09 From: Oxfordshire, England Member No.: 10 944 Zack Aiza's Team |
The walk to the caves was quiet, but a reasonably enjoyable one. As Zack and Aaron got further away from the bustling city of Petropolis, the scenery changed and got gradually nicer, with vegetation replacing buildings and tarmac. It was lovely to get away from the city. Zack gazed at the nature surrounding him. He was used to dark caves and hard rock, so the city Pokemon were a welcome sight. A Purrloin, skulking around, holding an Oran berry in its mouth. A small group Rattata going through their cleaning rituals. A Pidove flying above his head. It was all fascinating to the trainer, and proved to be a welcome activity whilst he walked.
The sun was setting in the sky by the time Zack and Aaron first saw the caves. It cast a beautiful orange glow across the sky. But Aaron was less captivated by the view. He looked slightly troubled. Evidently the Pokemon thefts were still playing on his mind. "Looks like the sun's headin' out pretty soon. Do you think it'd be safe to spend the night in one of these caves?" "Yeah man, of course. Like I said, I know how to survive in caves, so we ain't got anythin' to worry about in that front. And those robbers are way back in tha city. They ain't gonna be all the way out here. We're perfectly safe here." Zack's words were genuine. He had no doubts about his ability to keep the two of them safe. He knew caves. He felt safe and comfortable in them. "Ya wanna go in then, bro?" -------------------- |
Aug 17 2013, 12:40 PM
Former GTS +PL Grass Leader Group: Members Posts: 323 Joined: 11-August 07 Member No.: 193 Melinda Rose |
Aaron nodded as the two cautiously made their way into the cave, Aaron much more so than Zack. As soon as his sneakers touched the damp, cold earth that covered the floor of the cave, the memories of his time in Dark Cave flooded back to him. The darkness. The chill. The loneliness. The hurt. With each step further into the cave, the light from the entrance dimmed, and before long all that remained for the senses to absorb was Aaron's labored breathing. Aaron had always prided himself on being in great physical shape, but this cave environment was doing him no favors. He couldn't imagine how Zack felt comfortable in this foreboding and dangerous place. The open skies were where Aaron belonged, he knew that, but he was determined to challenge himself and get over his fears.
As soon as Aaron's eyes had begun to adjust to the cave's dim lighting, Aaron watched Zack take out a small, portable lantern that had an incredible range of luminescence. "Thank God" Aaron thought to himself as he was almost blinded by the powerful lantern. What would he have done without Zack? Been bumbling around the caves walls no doubt. Once illuminated, Aaron noticed the stalactites hanging from the ceiling only suspended a few feet above their heads. "Yup. No open skies here" he joked to himself. Still, the farther in they moved, the tighter and more cramped the cave became, and the more claustrophobic he felt. Although he could have very well been paralyzed into a panic attack right there, Aaron tried his best to hide his discomfort, stifling his insecurities and fears, and soldiering on into the darkness of the cave. It didn't take long for the two to come to a sort of clearing--a large chamber of the cave that seemed to have three separate paths one could potentially head down. Before Aaron could even say anything about what seemed to be the maze they were about to be entering, he was distracted a rumbling in the distance and a screaming man with spikey red hair approaching sprinting at them from the middle of the three paths. "I could be wrong Zack, but it looks like that guy is running away from someth--" Aaron started before he was silenced by crunching of rocks and the deafening cries of pokemon coming from the direction of the fleeing trainer. The only pokemon Aaron was aware of that lived in caves were Geodudes, and the occasional Onix, both of which Grayson and Oliver would have significant trouble against. Again, Aaron felt blessed for Zack's presence. As soon as the fleeing trainer entered the clearing, he ducked out of the way as five rock pokemon tumbled into the chamber, the path they had just entered fro collapsing behind them. These little rock formations weren't happy, Aaron could tell that much, but he had no idea what they actually were. "Well, this is great" Aaron groaned as he sent out Grayson and Oliver. "Time to get busy?" he looked to Zack for approval. He was the resident expert in here, and any decision made was definitely going through him, especially when concerning rock pokemon. -------------------- |
May 4 2014, 07:18 AM
Hunter from ZapdosZulu Group: Members Posts: 723 Joined: 30-March 09 From: Australia Member No.: 6 681 Sebastian West |
It was an unlucky venture for the fiery haired young adult as he had kept a keen eye out whilst investigating Peropolis' caves for a duo of items that would be able to be used in the future to evolve his newly acquired Magby and Elekid to there final form. Anyone who was to look at Sebastian's face would notice his expression was angry looking, the vast amount of time that had been spent on searching for a Magmarizer and Electirizer could have been spent on training his team up to make them even stronger. After exiting Petropolis' caves Sebastian contemplated where he would take his journey next as it was getting late in the day and he was exhausted from the vigorous amount of activity he had done in the day, in his mind he deserved a rest, and that would allow him to decide where to go next on his journey. Despite the fiery haired young adult already having built a good base of pokemon for his team, their strength he felt was not up to standard and would most likely be unable to handle the strength of a Furoh Gym Leader just yet, it would take some more training and instillation of mental toughness into his pokemon to have them ready for what would possibly be the biggest and most important battle of their young journey together as a team.
*OOC - Short leaving post, apologies to all. This post has been edited by Hydra: May 4 2014, 07:19 AM -------------------- |
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